It’s a well known fact : Easter bunnies love rock and roll !
Hey Mathieu - nicely played. Gave me a smile this morning, and you too by the looks of it. Seemed like you were really enjoying that!
Very good rocking rhythm. All the easter bunnies hereby are getting down with it!
Hello Mathieu, thanks a lot for this powerful and joyful performance . It was great fun, watching and listening to it
And - I love the rockin’ bunny .
Thanks a lot for sharing your recording .
Mathieu…youtube doesn’t allow me to access the video
Now…I tried again and it worked! Woooow…you rock! Love it, it shines through you’re having so much fun with it! Bravo
Ah great stuff Matt! I didn’t see any headphones, so I’m guessing your neighbours enjoyed it too!
Hi Mathieu,
Me loving some rock n`roll in the morning
Nice playing nice smiling …thanks
Great job on this awesome song
I really enjoyed that Mathieu. You did a great job with the cover and you looked to be really enjoying it too.
Hi Mathieu!
Great performance, I had a lot of enjoy!
And thank you for the positive Easter mood that has been passed on to me.
I’m going to have a great time the rest of Saturday now
Nice performance Mathieu!
@mathsjunky @beejay56 @NicoleKKB @Silvia80 @twistor59 @roger_holland @Jwaters @SgtColon @crocodile1 @Inge_guitar29
Wow ! That’s such a great surprise. I’m coming back home today and I am welcomed with all those supportive and positive thoughts from you.
A thousand thanks to Paul, Brian, Nicole, Silvia, Phil, Rogier, Jeff, Stefan, Leonid and Inge for taking the time to post here
I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter.
I really liked that! Beautiful guitar too.
@ToshS Thanks Tosh It’s a PRS SE McCarty 594 - PRS’s take on a Les Paul. I chose the double cut version, but there is also a single cut one.
A nice toy to try on your next visit to the guitar store Just for curiosity