Hard Rock?

So, I found myself in Manila again, at a bit of a loose end, so I thought I would do some gentle exploration (gentle, because Manila is not a sensible place for a white boy like me to explore without some caution).

I had already experienced the delights (if you can call them that) of the LA Café, courtesy of a collegue who dragged me there last night ( I will make sure to carry sanitising gel next time I meet him and am obliged to shake hands).

He has flown back to SG so, on a whim, I thought I would take some local advice…

Unfortunately, Wednesday night is not the night for fun at Roadhouse. Apparently I was customer number 2, and there were no bands playing. But the vibe was great so I stayed for a few Red Horses.

The walls had some interesting memorabilia: the Bonamassa signed guitar is clearly legit because of the photo, but I have serious doubts about the provenance of the other stuff, particularly the Squeir strat that was, apparently, signed by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page (I have first-hand knowledge that Jimmy doesn’t tend to sign guitars, with Squeirs being especially unlikely).

Never mind, it seems a cool place.

But, after a couple of beverages and some adobo, it was still quiet so I thought I would go for an explore (as the area seemed safe).


The Hard Rock Café was nearby and I do like to buy the odd t-shirt. So, after a bit of a mooch around, I headed there and ended up sitting at the bar. One band was finishing their set, and they were pretty good.

I had a dessert and a beer and then the next group came on.


It was not what I was expecting. I quite like a cover band, but I wasn’t expecting disco.

As they went on to do 80s covers and, increasingly, the diners started to get up and start doing what I can only describe as coordinated dance routines (like line dancing, but not quite the same).

It was odd and hilarious, but definitely not “hard rock”. I may upload some videos later.

It was totally not what I expected from that brand but, I have to say, the audience seemed to love it, and I left with a smile on my face.

The band at the LA Café was much better IMO, but the environment was far less comfortable for me.

Overall, it was an enjoyable evening, even if not quite what I expected or was seeking out.

If I find myself in Manila again on a Friday or Saturday night, I’ll definitely look to go to the Roadhouse, as I reckon it’s much more my thing.

I finished the evening, and my final day before I head back to KL, in the roof bar of my hotel In Makati, with a cheeky negroni.

Hopefully I get to visit Manila again soon.




What do they say about the customer always being right. They obviously gave them what they wanted. May be Hard Rock doesn’t quite translate ! :rofl:

Stay safe Keith and avoid anything disco !!


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yea me and the wife call it the soft rock cafe :joy:.


At least they have a stage and live music. It’s one of the few Hard Rock Cafes around the world that I have visited that do.

I don’t count the drag show I went to at the Singapore Hard Rock Café as “live music”.

That photo, by the way, is drag artist Becca D’bus.



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I know her cousin Plentee RumeOnTop !

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Well you sure do get around Keith! When you say KL do you mean Kuala Lumpur? If so any good places for live music over there? I’m out next week with work… not sure I’ll get a lot of social/down time but you never know.

Yea, I do mean Kuala Lumpur.

I’m actually in the 'burbs of KL, at Semenyih. I really don’t know of any live music places in KL and, being a predominantly Muslim country, I’m not sure there are that many.

I will ask around and let you know if I hear of anything.

Where in KL are you staying?



Ahhh excellent. I’m staying in the centre at the EQ hotel. Yes hadn’t really expected there to be too much but worth asking someone “local” just in case.

I’ll DM you.



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Message me next time

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Hard rock … you mean something like this? :thinking:

No, I mean this:

And this:




That’s in fact even worth than Lordi :astonished: :joy: :roll_eyes:

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Coordinated public dancing can be fun if done correctly :smiley:

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Good travelogue. Thought I’d help you out with a relevant video. If I ate that dessert, downed a Jack and chased it with a pint like that I’d go into cardiac arrest.

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Not sure about those dancers.

By the time I left, a good 30-40% of the customers were dancing in groups around the room.

I got the feeling, if I had stayed a bit longer, they would have started playing bingo…



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:joy: Which raises the question, would you have bought a card?

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I think I would rather have a root canal.




Best time I ever had at the dentist was having a root canal… little nitrous oxide, Sony Walkman with Boston’s Greatest Hits cranked up so loud I could barely hear the drilling, good lookin’ young woman assistant… FUN!!! :rofl:


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