Harvest Moon - my first ever video

Bravo Paul :exclamation:Sounds great :exclamation:Noting to be nervous about.

Thanks David. I initially watched Justin’s video lesson a few times over a couple of days then played it in amongst other songs a few times over a week or so. After I posted my video last night I watched a video of Neil Young playing it and I agree, I was playing it too fast. I’ll try to play along with a Neil Young video to see if I can improve the tempo.

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G’day Paul from Dale in South East Victoria, Australia. Sounded great and I love that Maton of yours. Really enjoyed it. :+1:

Hi again Paul! I manage to track down your AVOYP :wink: Congrats on sharing your first one, you have a nice, relaxed style and your light strumming technique worked nicely with the song’s aesthetic.
So odd how just hitting the record button can incite nerves eh?! :roll_eyes: :laughing: I think almost everyone here has (or at least had) the same issue. I certainly did badly when I began recording, however much improved on that front now. The trick to fixing it is easy, just record yourself all the time. Before long you’ll barely even think twice about it. Each practice session, just sit the phone down and belt out a couple of tunes. You can always delete the recording files afterwards. But the up side will be that recording just becomes matter of course with your practice :sunglasses: :+1:

Hello and welcome to our community Paul. :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting. That was really nicely played.

Remember, no pressure whilst home recording. If you make a mistake or are not happy you can just stop the recording and start again.