Heaven or Hell - Revisited 3

This is a remake of a song I wrote about 4 years ago. Tim, who is a friend of mine commented on the song and said it sounded like Fillmore East. I think the bends in the solo fills guitar got to him. He has been on the radio for over 50 years. I am sure he rocked it out on air long ago, but now He is a bit more mellow. Thus, I wanted to revisit Heaven or Hell and tame the guitars a bit.

Trouble is that I had to hang my guitar up on the wall. My left fretting hand is toast in the thumb area and I simply can’t play anymore without intense pain. So redoing the guitar fills with straight, non-bend stuff was out. I ended up programing in some piano for those parts. I did leave in the main solo near the end as I like it. There are just a couple bends in it.

The top offering is the Revisited and mellow version. Under it at the bottom is the original. I think on my end I favor the original as the guitar fills seem to add a lot. The tone is pretty wicked too, if you ask me. But I wonder what you think? Revisited & Mellow? Or the old Bendy, rockin version?

Lastly, this one is a solo effort on the project. I did bounce it off some folks for an opinion on it. I hope I can play again at some point, but that is either surgery or some new PRP stuff that is less intrusive on the body and does not take a year to heal. Thus I might be sporadic here as I can’t do originals or covers any more for a while…

NOTE: I liked the piano in the mellow version enough to go back and add it all the way through the song, except for the solo area where the piano is turned down. This replaces [Heaven Or Hell - Revisited] - 2, that was posted prior. This version brings up the piano a couple Db. Sorry for the confusion!


Heaven Or Hell - Original Version)

Be well and take good care,


Hi LBro,
What a shame to read that your physical condition is so shitty… good luck with that and wish you lots of wisdom and help with the decision you make… :mending_heart:

I remember this well…very nice and I can imagine that the video clip certainly helped with that :grin: :sunglasses:

I definitely prefer the original… a little more power fits just a little better for me …

Good luck Bro ,I wish you all the best :four_leaf_clover:

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Wow I love seeing these videos people make it inspires me so much I need to learn man cheers Hec

HI Roger,
Thanks much for listening and commenting!

Yeah, on the medical side, I just take it a day at a time. It will work out in the end. Funny though in that I was considering changing the hand of the guitar to a lefty. That would have left the bad left thumb to just do strumming and palm muting. But this has progressed to a point I am not sure that would work out either. The PRP injections sound promising, from what I have heard.

Yeah I like that first version as well. The more I listen to the new version, the more I think it should have more piano in it all the way through. That is a boogie woogy piano. I think as fills it is ok, but one could get mere into it, if the piano was expanded and played more.

You take care Roger!


That’s a pain in the a55 bud, I know how frustrating it can be for not being able to follow your passion (playing guitar!), the new version if anything sounds better to me, fits the song nicely. BTW the prerequisite for honky tonk piano is it being slightly out of tune :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Well Hec,
What the heck. You could download DaVinci Resolve 19.
It is a free video editing program that is very powerful. There are a lot of YouTube videos on it and they can show you both ideas for your videos and how to achieve it. Give it a go and lets see how you did by posting your work on JG!

Hope that helps!

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Hi Darrell,
Yeah, not much fun getting old and watching the wheels fall off! Some how they left the gold out of the golden years! I think I will look at some non-evasive ways to go after my issue. If that works, I should be back at it I hope.

Wow, a vote for the mellow version. Good man!

So I think your saying this is ok in tune wise, but that boogie woogie should be out of tune a bit and be raunchy? If that is the case I was there when I programed it as it was a bit tricky. I can also see where some off tune notes might enhance the whole deal! I think actually I could detune the piano I used. It is programed, but I could run the midi through my decent keyboard and could detune just certain keys. Where as the software Virtual Instrument is all keys or nothing. Though if one did the detune on midi notes it could be done. But it would not be out by a few cents, more like a half step or so. All good stuff to think about!

You be well mate and take good care!


thanks Bro I will check it out

Sounds good. Keep in mind that the app is pretty complex. Though if I were you and your serious about making music or other type videos, I would learn this one as the price is right and considering it is free, it is outstanding. The YouTube videos are likely a must have to help you. Thing is, this program is powerful enough to grow with you. I doubt you will outgrow it!

I am on an older copy of Vegas 16. I know it pretty well. But I won’t pay for it again as it has issues with my sound setup from ver 17 on up. At some point I will need to get a new up to date tool and Davinci will be it. To me, it is worth the learning curve!


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Cool man i am just starting out so there is a lot to learn but I know I can get help from you guys and I am up for this community I love being here so if I can help I will cheers Hec

For grins I looked up YouTube tutorials on the latest version of the app. There was a ton of beginning video Tutorials! I think as a beginner, you are in great shape on this one.

Here is the link to the vids on YouTube.

I think after that you might search on exact tasks you’re trying to do. You will likely find a walkthrough of how to do what you want!

Take care,

So sorry to hear about your health issues LB and I can only wish you well and hope that the medics can get you back on track.
I enjoyed both versions and I remember when you posted the first version. Both have a real ‘live’ version vibe and as such will always sound different. I probably prefer the original.
I hope to hear more from West Coast/World Wide/Coast to Coast/ Media. :smiley:

Hey Gordon,
Yeah instead of Coast to Coast media, it is Toast to Toast! JK, I will be back I hope.

I am with you on which version sounds best. I think personally the rockin guitars put the original over the top.

All the best and be well!

The slightly out of tune thing is something I found interesting by listening to a lot of my favourite band The Warning, their home piano is more or less never completely in tune but it’s not out by enough to sound awful, just a few cents here and there; it just adds that “Je ne sais quoi”! Then I started listening to some of the old bar style Honky tonk piano music and found something very similar (‘spose it must be all of the beer that got spilled down the pianos); I find it quite endearing :grin:. Yeah if we’re talking electric piano or virtual piano it’s definitely not easy to replicate!

That is interesting. I would not have thought out of tune pianos were a desirable thing. But even good singers are off a little, often in passing from one note to the next and it sounds great.

I agree on the virtual piano, but never say never. There is a virtual piano or organ sim that is quite deep and powerful. It “might” have individual key tuning available. On the real side I have a pretty high end Roland KB. You can muck with each key for tone, waveform shape and much more. It is a beast that way. Since I am down as far as guitar goes, I might venture into what is possible with the KB.

Take care, be well,

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Hey LB !

Not had a chance to listen to the remix/remake but that don’t matter. Just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear about your health deteriorating on the playing front, man that’s a real bummer. I hope you can continue to get joy from the production side of things, where you have always excelled. I must look into DaVinci as I have heard good things. Currently using Corel Video Studio Pro but finding it hard to create multi image and synced vids but hey life is always a challenge.

Take care bud !!


HI Toby,
Yeah trying to play with a brace was a small challenge. But even with the brace it grew more painful. No big though, I am going to check out PRP Therapy and that may well help things. Time will tell.

Davinci - It looks good but I was unable to wing it in there. It looks like the Adobe offering. But it reeks of video creation power. Though to really light it up, one might want the add on pack of Fx. Who knows though as most say it is very powerful as is…

You be well and cheers!

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