Hello. Al, from France

Hello everyone,

Al from France. 36 yo. I first started learning the guitare some years ago (2017 if I recall correctly), but have been on and off, and if you ask me, I’m no more better than a beginner, I can hardly play anything. I am having a hard time keeping playing and practicing despite a tremendous will of being a great player. I would love to have and hope I will find advice on that.

Thank you Justin for creating this platform, it’s absolutely amazing, and looking forward to reading you all!


Welcome Al!

Take it easy and slow at first, give yourself time. Theres no other shortcuts!

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Salut Anne-Laure

Welcome to the Community. There are many folk here like you who had spent years on a start, stop, start journey with there guitars but start to make real progress by following Justin’s teaching process. I know I was one of them !! You will find lots of advice, so do not be afraid to ask any question, there are lots of folk here who can help with advice.

Bonne Chance


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Bonjour Anne-Laure, comment allez vous?
You have come to the right place to learn guitar the best way. Follow Justin’s course closely and be patient with the early stages and it will be OK!
The first few months are the most difficult ones, but if you are passionate about learning you will get there. Learning guitar is a lifetime thing, there’s always something else to learn, I’m 70 years old now and still learning, still having fun and still enjoying it. It’s also expanded my musical tastes, I can be listening to Jazz, Pop, Rock, Metal - in fact anything and everything guitar.
Take your time and enjoy your learning path and have fun along the way!
Do you have a Guitar yet? If you need any help with what’s a good one to start off with just ask, you will get plenty of help and advice!
Meilleurs voeux!

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Hi Al! You are in the right place! With Justin’s learning structure and excellent teaching skills and this community, you can go as far as your desire and determination will take you. The breadth of experience here ranges from many people picking up the guitar for the first time to players who have toured and recorded with bands for decades. Everyone is here to learn from each other and share experience and encouragement with absolutely no judgement or negative attitudes. So pull up a stool, grab your guitar, and start strumming!

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Hi Al good to see you here! Hope is all we have and with enough will you can change the hope to reality, just keep at it! :slight_smile:

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Hello Al and welcome. :slight_smile:

Stick with the program here and I’m sure you’ll get t where you want to be. There is no rush. Slow and steady wins the race.

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Hello Al, a very warm welcome to the community.
We’re all moving along the same guitar-learning path and you will find helpful and friendly support here. :slight_smile:

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Salut Al et bienvenue sur le community.

The beginner course is a great platform to learn and start playing songs. Any questions then the Community is a great place to get help.

Bonne chance avec ta voyage de guitare.


Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! All your words are very encouraging. I certainly feel confident enough to ask questions and I can’t wait to read all your advice!

I do have a guitar, a couple actually: an electric (Schecter Nick Johnston signature) and an electric acoustic (Ibanez).
Thank you very much, I most definitely will!

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Welcome Anne-Laure :smiley:

Work with Justin through every lesson, take your time, enjoy what you’re doing, and share what you do with us here.

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Hi Al. Work steadily through the lessons and you’ll be surprised at your progress. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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