Hello everybody - Leandro from Brazil

I just started learning Acoustic and Electric guitar with Justin’s amazing website. I do own an old electric guitar that was lying around from the times my dad used to play and decided to give it another go. I’m also borrowing my grandpa’s acoustic guitar to learn too. I’ve noticed so far it’s quite a different feeling when playing these two.

I have tried some times before to learn by myself but it always ended in nothing. I would always look for random videos online or some youtube channels to learn but I would never find something like Justin has it here, which would make me quit at some point from not seeing progress or a sequence of learning events.

Just the other day while scrolling through reddit I read good things about Justin’s work and had to come check it out… and wow!! Everything is so organized (from what I’ve seen so far) with such inspiring methodology that made me get back into it with full motivation.

I told my wife: “Damn, isn’t it awesome??? How come I didn’t find this website before”

Well, there’s my little introduction :slight_smile:


Welcome, Leandro! I smile every time I see someone recommend Justin on Reddit, and wonder if it’s someone I know from here. :smiling_face: It sounds like you’ve got a musical family – how nice to be playing your dad’s and your grandpa’s guitars! I hope you’ll find this community another source of inspiration. See you around!

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Welcome to the forum Leandro

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Hi Leandro,
Welcome here and I wish you a long time of fun :sunglasses:


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Croeso (Welsh for welcome) Leandro. Great to have you on board.
Like you I came across Justin’s website purely by chance and have to admit it has got me hooked. It certainly rekindled my interest in the guitar.
Wish you every success for the future

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Welcome to the community, Leandro! :smiley:

I wish you lots of fun on your guitar journey. Seems like you are following a family tradition given you have instruments from your Dad and Grandpa, that’s great! :slight_smile:

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Hello Leandro & welcome!

In many cases, “an old electric guitar that was lying around from the times my dad used to play” is in dire need of some TLC (tender loving care). New set of strings, truss rod adjustments & a check on the action are definitely recommended… you may want to take your father’s & grandfather’s guitars to a shop that can do these thing for you. In many cases, the adjustments can be done the same day & if you’re lucky, they’ll show you what to do - so you can do the most basic things like changing strings yourself in the future!
For new guitar players, I also recommend getting a stand or wall hanger so your newfound friends are close at hand & easy to pick up & play when you have a limited amount of time… I like to play for a few minutes early in the morning while my coffee’s brewing! :grinning:
Good luck with you musical journey!!!

Tod from New Mexico - USA


Hello Leandro, welcome to the community forum. It is great that you have both an acoustic and electric guitar. Justin mostly teaches with the acoustic at first, but you can play both. When your fingers get sore on the acoustic, then you can go to the electric which is gentler on the finger tips. I agree with @CATMAN62, Tod, that you should have your electric and acoustic guitar checked by the nearest guitar shop with a guitar tech or luthier. You may find that they are easier to play when that is done.


Welcome to the community Leandro!

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Hey Catman,

I did buy new strings and cables (both were unusable before that), as for the other things I have it in my plans to take this guitar to a shop for a check up as soon as I get the funds for that.

As for the support, I’ve been scrolling through amazon to find some nice ones, although I do have a temporary one which supports the guitar from the base actually.

Thanks for the reply

Leandro from Curitiba - Brazil


Hey Steve, thanks!

Yeah, I definitely want to be able to play both of these instruments (I do vibe more with the Electric guitar though) and have noticed already it is not the same thing. So I alternate between them. Mostly I learn the chords with the Acoustic because I realized it’s way harder to make the notes on that.
As for the check up, I’ll do it ASAP.

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Hi Leandro,

Welcome to the community forum. :grinning:

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