Hello everyone, I'm Erika. I'm starting with a 40th Birthday Gift to Myself!

Hi Everyone! I’m Erika, and I decided to finally jump headfirst into a lifelong goal of mine to learn to play guitar – by purchasing a new one for my 40th birthday. It’s a Squier Affinity series, which I read is a decent one for beginners. Very excited to get started! I dabbled a little with trying to learn years ago, but I don’t remember much, so I’m pretty much starting as a complete beginner.

I do have some background in music - I played flute and saxophone in high school and in a jazz ensemble, but set it aside in my mid-twenties when I decided not to pursue a musical career.

I live in California, and have two cats who aren’t too sure about my new hobby yet.

Looking forward to chatting with you all!


Welcome to the group! Is your Squire a strat-type? You’ve absolutely found the right place!

I wonder if we’re related! :grin:

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Hi Erika and welcome!

Happy 40th! You’re going to have a lot of fun. I got my first guitar (a Fender player series strat) when I was 39 and haven’t looked back. You can’t go wrong following the beginners course. Feel free to reach out if you ever need help :slightly_smiling_face: :guitar:

I’m on the west coast as well. In Oregon now, but I was in northern CA before that.

Oh, and my two cats still run away when I turn on my amp :laughing: :cat2: :black_cat:

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Happy Birthday :birthday:

This is a great place with tons of supportive and friendly peps. Follow the lessons and set up a practice routine, then practice it. Super helpful.

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Hi Erika,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
It might be the best birthday gift you could choose… a life with the guitar can be just a little easier and more fun to play alone (and less invasive in a house) than the saxophone (or drums and etc)

Start at lesson 1 en with some background you will fly by the first ones :smiley:

Greetings ,Rogier

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Welcome to the JGC, Erika.
Cats are fickle creatures.
Have fun … :sunglasses:

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Welcome and as said, great to pick a guitar as birthday gift! :smiley:

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welcome :slight_smile:

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Welcome Erika. I think cats are not music lovers. When I start playing, mine hides in the closet and yowls. That doesn’t stop me! Have fun playing and meeting people on the forum.

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mine started to stress and went bald on his belly from over licking himself … Had to buy medecines to calm his nerves :frowning:

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Welcome to the forum Erika

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Happy Birthday Erika! and Welcome to that Party!

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

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Welcome aboard Erika,
Hope you enjoy your guitar journey ‘To affinity and beyond’ :laughing: (I’ll get my coat :roll_eyes:)

How cool. And with Christmas next week, you should have another one on it’s way… :rofl:


Welcome to the forum Erika and happy birthday. I hope you have many happy years of playing and for starters you have found the best place to begin your journey.

Back in 96, my wife bought me a Squire Affinity for my 40th and I then spent 17 years going round in circles before stumbling on Justin and this wonderful community. Reckons that means you get a 17 year head start.

Rock on and don’t worry what the cats think, they’ll come round !



Hello Erika & Welcome!

So cool to start at 40 & to have found Justin along with this wonderful Community! My story is similar to Toby’s above except that I was about 35 & didn’t find Justin until a couple of years ago… what a difference his lessons have made to my playing! You’ve definitely found the right place to learn!
One thing I always suggest to “newbies” is to go get yourself a stand or wall hanger. If your guitar is close to hand, you can pick it up & play when you only have a few minutes… I like to play/practice while the coffee’s brewing in the mornings! That extra 5-10 minutes here & there will make a difference in your progress - guaranteed!!!
Good luck with your guitar Journey!!!

Tod from New Mexico

BTW - you don’t even have to plug it in - just playing your Squire Unplugged will help you to make gains with finger coordination/dexterity & your rhythm! :grin:

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Welcome Erika

What a great idea for a birthday present

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Hi Erika hope you stick in and enjoy this community cheers Hec

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Thanks for the welcome! And yes, it’s a stratocaster.

Robbins is my name through marriage, but maybe you’re related to my partner’s family!

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Thanks for all the great advice! I’m working from home currently, so hoping that will make it easier to make time for practice during work breaks. :slight_smile:

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and all the great tips! I’m really looking forward to getting started and being a part of this community! :slight_smile: