Hello everyone!

Hey there, I’m Zoe, started playing my accoustic guitar two days ago and am enjoying it. It’s very challenging but great so far!


Hi Zoe,

Welcome to the community glad your enjoying it and that you found Justin.

hmmmmmm….after 2 days i was annoyed and in severe finger pain :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:your way ahead of the power curve :+1:

Hello Zoe, and welcome to the club of guitar addicts :hugs::smiley:.
I started about 1.5 yrs ago and still love to grab my acoustic every day :blush:.
I wish you lots of fun with your six-string-friend and look forward to hearing more from you :smiley:.

Hello Zoe and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Any questions just ask. We have all been where you are and where you are going.

Welcome to the forum Zoe

Welcome Zoe,
You’ve landed in the right place to learn guitar for sure
Hope you keep having fun and make great progress.
Justin is a brilliant teacher


Hello Zoe,
nice to meet you, and welcome to the forum! Wishing you lots of fun with your acoustic guitar and with any guitar that might come after it :smiley:


You’ll get there. Skills worth acquiring are worth the time. Welcome aboard.

Welcome aboard, Zoe! :smiley:

Glad you started your guitar journey and joined us - you’re in good company here! :slight_smile:
May finger pain phase will be short and not as bad as it was for me. :joy:

Wish you lots of fun on your journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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Hi Zoe,
Welcome and have a lot of fun here :sunglasses:

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Hi Zoe, welcome to the community forum. Have fun learning new guitar skills and songs.

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Welcome Zoe! I have been playing for 2 years now and I remember how exciting learning those first few chords was. If you ever need help with anything, feel free to reach out to the community! We are all here to help :grinning:

Hi Zoe, welcome. Good you’re enjoying the challenge. That’s the main thing with guitar, you take up a challenge, you succeed with that one and go for the next one. Some things can take a longer than other to get a hold of them. In the meantime you’ll soon be able to play a simplified version of many songs. Have fun.