Hello from Adam - At home with cancer

Music can sometimes do magic to forget the pain
Take care and enjoy your guitar !

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Hi Adam
Nice to meet you :slight_smile:
Welcome. :smiling_face:This community really is wonderful and supportive, and the JustinGuitar courses are amazing. I agree, music can be magic! :sparkles:
Wishing you all the best and full recovery :hugs: :sunflower:

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Welcome Adam. Glad you found your way to the forum but not the circumstances you are in.

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Adam, that is a hard road you are on. Best of wishes and hopefully it all goes ok. Take care of yourself mentally, and from my experience with patients who have gone through treatments like this (as a neurologist seeing the post chemo neuropathies) most get better when it is all done. Hopefully your callouses are all developed by then!

Enjoy learning guitar and use whatever strategies to keep yourself strong. We are here to help with the guitar part and offer heart felt thoughts on your healing.


I wish all the best for You. Welcome!

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Hi Adam & welcome to the community! Your positive attitude, in spite of your circumstances, is very inspiring! I wish you all the best with both your guitar and cancer journeys. :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Adam. You have just discovered a whole.new extended family. All the best for the future. We are all with you buddy.


Hi Adam, glad you found Justin Guitar and have an enjoyable distraction. I hope your treatment is successful. It sounds like to have the right attitude, so I look forward to hearing great music from you in the future.


Hey Adam
I know what you are going through I was there myself this time last year. It can be very difficult and at times you feel so alone and your mind can move into some dark places but you’ve we been very brave and honest with your post.
You’re amongst friends here so don’t be frightened to seek out help . Chemo can be as bitch but I can assure you that the feeling does slowly come back albeit it is slow.
Keep the posts coming and good luck with your treatment.

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Hi Adam, sorry to hear about the cancer, but hopefully you’re through the worst of the chemo by now. Glad to see you finding support in Justin’s lessons :smiley:
You’ll benefit most from the support expressed above, if you interact with some of the replies when you are able.
Good luck with the rest of your treatment and your guitar journey of course :smiley:

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@ad-m Welcome to the Community, it’s a great place to hang out and learn. Enjoy your guitar journey! :slightly_smiling_face: I’m in very similar health circumstances to you, so I can say that’s a good practice strategy you have - focus on guitar now that you’ve finished Netflix (lol). Seriously though, keep on keepin’ on, putting 1 foot in front of the other. That works for both cancer and guitar :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Adam!

Wish you a lot of strength and a lot of joy playing the guitar.
Best wishes

Hi Adam, welcome. Good luck with your cancer treatment. Good you found the guitar for entertainment and joy. Have fun with the guitar and keep strong with the other stuff.

Hi Adam and welcome. I am sorry for the reason that brought you here but and happy you have been able to find an outlet and a positive in your situation. Can’t really say more than what others already have. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Hey Adam, good luck with this season of life. Cancer is very treatable, but the road can be long and rough. Glad you found us here in the world of Justin, and hope to see you posting a lot, we’ll all be very interested in your progress both with guitar and your treatment.

Survivor here myself! Keep up the good fight my guy. Stay positive and keep jamming.


Another one who missed your intro post Adam, very pleased to meet you and you have my warmest wishes and thoughts for the battle you are fighting. Playing music is undoubtedly one of the best tonics for life so above everything else i hope it is bringing some sunshine to you and that you are having fun.

Hi Adam! Nice to meet you and welcome to the forum.

Talk about making lemonade out of lemons. :metal: I wish you the best in your guitar journey and with your health. :muscle:
