Hello from Adam - At home with cancer

I was diagnosed with cancer in Oct 2023 and I’m doing chemo for about 6 months. So, I’m stuck at home with no immune system due to the chemo - it’s like another round of Covid times! I just wanted to thank you Justin for creating so many videos that are publicly available. After completing Netflix and Prime Video, I thought I was going to lose my mind, but I decided to just throw myself into your courses since I have most of the day with not much energy and not much to do. Also, weird aside, but chemo gives you neuropathy which means I can’t feel much in my fingertips. Mostly, I found that really disturbing, but the one side benefit is that I can play hours of guitar and don’t feel finger pain so it’s great. Trying to turn lemons into lemonade. Anyway, thank you for this body of work that you put online for free. I also bought the app to send you some $ but mostly I’m still working through the videos - grade 3 right now.


Wish the best, be well, Adam

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Hi Adam, that’s really, really tough, mate. I hope JustinGuitar can help take off your mind a bit and give you some joy, even in your current circumstances. Enjoy your guitar journey as much as you can, and I wish you all the best with your treatment, from the bottom of my heart :heart:

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Adam. Welcome to the community… what a terrible circumstance that brings you here, and to guitar.
Your positive attitude and obvious desire to just learn to play will help you along.
You’ll find a whole bunch of friendly and supportive people here.

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Hi Adam, Good luck with the guitar learning and your battle with cancer.:muscle: Best wishes Alan

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Adam, I don’t really know what to say… Wish you lots of strength. Welcome to this great community, I hope we can make you smile now and then :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome, Adam :hugs:
And there’s me getting hacked off that I cannot do a barre chord. Perspective is everything.
For when your fingers need a rest, if you’ve not already done so, a look at Justin’s theory may also help pass the time. A totally different challenge, but equally fun.
Best wishes to you, feel better soon.
Mb :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello Adam - wishing you the very best with your treatment. It’s good to hear that by finding Justin you have fullfillment and distraction at the same time. Very good decision to join the forum. This is a great community here, lots of helpful people. You mentioned that you are in grade 3 now, so you have made significant progress. I’m here for a bit over a year, trying to learn the F-chord, so I’m still in the early phases.
Take care, Franz :smiley:

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Welcome Adam, so nice to have you here :hugs:.
I wish you all the best with your treatment, stay strong, and keep up practicing the guitar. Having a goal is so valuable when going through hard times.


Took the words out of my mouth!


Welcome to the forum Adam. Learning music is always good form of medicine

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Welcome Adam and I wish you all the best in your battle!

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Welcome, Adam! The guitar can be a great healer, IMO. And I know we’re not supposed to encourage violence on the forum, but I hope you kick cancer’s ass!


Welcome Adam, and the best of wishes for a recovery.

A great community here mate, one that can have a very positive effect not only on your guitar playing, but on life in general. Stick around mate and enjoy.

All the very best.

Cheers, Shane


Hey Adam, welcome to the community. Great to meet you. Sorry to hear you are going through the dreaded cancer and it’s side effects. I was diagnosed with cancer over 10 years ago just after I’d started learning the guitar and it certainly helped me through the roughest of times. Thankfully I’m cancer free and no longer need even the annual checkups. Look forward to when you can say that.


Hi Adam

I can only echo the comments for my fellow community members. Sorry that such circumstances have brought you here but wish you well with your treatment. You have found the perfect place to start your guitar journey. Not only a superb well laid out and layered teaching system (make sure you use the website, alongside the app) but a fantastic and supportive community as well.

If you have any problems or questions just holler, someone will soon get you sorted !



Hi there Adam!! :grin:
Welcome to the community. Wish you all the best and good luck on youre guitar journey!!

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I feel for you Adam, my son left due to cancer. I hope you come through.

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Hi Adam,
Welcome here and I wish a very nice distraction and a lot of fun, it’s good that you’re not wasting all your time with Netflix and such BEEP, but now you’re going to fill your time with learning guitar and Meeting nice people and hopefully enjoy it for many decades to come :sunglasses:

In many cases, learning music can help enormously in getting through or supporting with…well yes, so much…

Greetings,Rogier :mending_heart:

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Welcome to the community, Adam!

So sorry to hear the reason that has put you here… Wish you all the best and a full recovery! :four_leaf_clover:

Glad you find some relieve in music and learning to play the guitar. There’s some magic happening that sometimes even helps to heal our bodies and souls. Hopefully, besides all the odds, you still have some joy and fun on your guitar journey.

Take care, Adam!

Cheers - Lisa

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