Hello from Bob in Mississauga, Ontario Canada

Just wanted to give a BIG thank you to Justin & his team. I never thought I could play a guitar. Circumstances kinda threw me a wrench years ago and that playing a guitar was just a dream. Its been roughly just over a year since I found JustinGuitar. I had so much time on my hands I grabbed my sons Fender Squire flipped the nut, restrung it. It had been sitting in his closet for 6 yrs. I floated around other websites for learning and some were good and some were well just ok.
Its been a year and all I’ve accomplished is some basic chords. I’m able to play some chords but im just starting to move from D to E. Its painfully slow but there is progress. I know my situation is different but its not a dream anymore. Who could ask for more.
Thanks to JustinGuitar and his team. A special thanks to Lieven for reaching out. After 64yrs of dodging theory Lieven helped me throw in the white towel. Im actually enjoying it, sometimes😉
So cool to find such a great place to learn. A VERY BIG thank you to everyone here.:pray:
Here’s my :apple: for Lieven​:v:


Welcome to the forum Bob.


Welcome Bob.


Welcome Bob, glad you’re finding a way to achieve your dream.


Hello Bob,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Hi, Bob :wave: welcome to the community :v:


Hey Bob, welcome to the community, glad you are making progress


Welcome, Bob!


Welcome Bob! Nice to have you here! I hope you get a lot of satisfaction out of your practice and playing. Have fun!


Bob, welcome to the community. Glad you found what you needed to reach your dream of playing the guitar. Keep practicing one minute chord chord changes for D to E and focus on the first finger anchor as Justin teaches in the lesson on Fast Chord changes in Module 2 and you’ll soon master that chord change. Have fun playing songs with the chords you have learned and enjoy the beginnings of your guitar journey.


Welcome Bob, enjoy the ride :grin:


Welcome, Bob! Wishing you loads of fun on your guitar journey. :slight_smile:


Welcome Bob!


Hello Bob and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Glad that you have finally be able to realise your dream.

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Hi Bob, welcome. Good you found how to make true your dream of playing guitar.


Hi Bob,

Welcome to the community from a fellow Ontarian! I’m sending you a message from the other side of Toronto!

Enjoy your guitar journey,



Hello Bob.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. I’m arriving late to the hello and welcome party. You’re now a couple of months further along and I hope you are making great progress. If you have been receiving help from @LievenDV then I’m confident that all is good.
There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

Hi Richard. Thank you kindly.
You & Lieven have been so helpful. Exceeded all my expectations & more. Incredibly lucky and grateful to be part of this journey. The detailed feedback from yourself & Lieven is over the top. :pray:
I wish i could pay it forward?
Hopefully with time I can?
Thank you & the team too

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