Hello, from Colombia living in japan

Greetings! I’m a Colombian living in Japan, embarking on my dream of learning to play the guitar. I’m passionately committed to mastering this skill, with the ultimate goal of spreading joy through beautiful music and creating unforgettable moments that inspire hope when it’s needed most.


Welcome to the forum Zento

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Bienvenido! Qué chevere para unirse a nosotros en este viaje.

I hope I got that right, rather rusty I’m afraid…

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Good to have you here Zento - welcome!

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Hello and welcome aboard Zento. :slight_smile:

That sounds like a great reason to learn an instrument.

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Hi Zento
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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HI Zento, welcome to our community forum. Have fun as you begin your guitar journey to learn to make beautiful music.

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Welcome to the forum Zento. There’s always room for more joy! Here’s to both your joy and the joy you bring others too through playing guitar.

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Welcome Zento.

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Hello Zento & welcome!
I’ve never been to Colombia or Japan but love geography… what parts of both countries are you from?
On a more musical note :musical_note:… my advice to all new guitarists (yes, you can call yourself a guitarist now) is to keep your guitar on a stand or hanging on a wall so it’s easy to grab & play - even if it’s only for a few minutes… you will get more playing time in that way & therefore you’ll improve faster!!! I often find myself playing for about 5 minutes while my coffee is brewing in the morning!
Have fun with your musical journey!!!


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Thank you, Stitch.

That’s perfect! It couldn’t be better, sure! I’m glad to share this Journey with all of you✨

Hi, thanks Mathsjunky :sparkles:

Hello SgtColon, Thank you for your welcome message. :sparkles:

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Hi roger_holland. Thanks for the kind welcome message✨

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Hello skinnyt I’m grateful for your welcoming message✨

Hello CATMAN62, I totally agree with you; these geographical areas are beautiful. Where is your geographical location? My lovely hometown is Bogota, and I’m residing in Tokyo.

If you come around these places, it will be nice to share some delicious food and find time to play our guitars.

That’s an amazing musical note; I hugely appreciate that, thanks for that. I just finished grade 1 this week, and reading the part where you said we can call ourselves guitarists is really motivational.

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Hi again Zento!
I live in Albuquerque New Mexico USA with my lovely wife, 2 dogs & too many guitars !!!

Our New Mexican cuisine is very remarkable to people who visit from all over the world! Albuquerque is a very old city by North American standards… our culture is definitely American but with a strong Hispanic “accent”! One of the best times to vist is during the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta! We boast 9 days of generally good weather, good food, lots of local beers & wines- not to mention hundreds of hot air balloons in the air each morning! It’s the first week of October every year!
Good luck with your guitar playing! I wish you the best!!!
