Hello from Dale in Oz - day 79

Hi everyone, I’ve been learning with Justin Guitar since 2nd Jan 2023. No it wasn’t a New Year’s resolution, it just worked out that way. I was using my daughter’s Maton Acoustic for a short time and then purchased my own Epiphone Pro 1 Acoustic in early Feb.
I started playing Trumpet in November 1976 at 12 years old and have since spent a few decades playing Lead Trumpet in Big Bands and smaller ensembles on a Semi-Pro (sometimes Pro) basis. I wanted a new hobby that wasn’t weather dependent, and a challenge, so decided on Guitar. I did 5 lessons about 10 years ago using a really REALLY cheap nylon string Guitar. The Teacher was OK but nothing clicked. Now, with Justin’s course, I’m loving it a find it hard not to want to practice more each day. I’m currently about to start Module 10!
Great to be here with you all. :nerd_face:……cheers, Dale


Hi Dale,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

And you’ve found another teacher who’s okay, but this one you can “click” on/with 100+ times in a day :joy::wink:



Welcome Dale,

Wow love the sound off the big bands was love the Glen Miller stuff just so foot tapping.


Hello Dale and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Big band, very nice. I do love a bit of the BB sound. Enjoy your guitar adventure.


Hello Dale (also from Oz :smiley: )
Nice to meet you! and welcome!
cheers :slight_smile:


Hello Dale and welcome! :blush:


Hello Dale… Welcome to the community :smiley:


Welcome Dale, oh yes, playing the guitar is so much fun :smiley:.
I wish you a wonderful guitar journey :slightly_smiling_face:.


Welcome to the forum Dale


Welcome, Astrofire!
The Maton guitar must be lovely.


Hey Dale, great to meet you, plenty of aussies around here. What part of this great country do you come from? Look forward to hearing more from you.


Sure is. My daughters is lucky to have it. Whenever I borrow it I’m amazed that, even as a raw beginner, I can tell just how much better it sounds and feels to play……and it’s beautiful even to look at and so light.:nerd_face:


Hi Tony, nice to meet you too. I’m in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. :nerd_face::+1:

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@Astrofire Hi Dale, and welcome to the forums.

Quite a lot of Aussies :australia: represented here. I read somewhere that @JustinGuitar himself is even from the land down under… Tasmania apparently! So about as down under as it gets.

Glad to hear that you’re progressing well, I’m about to start Module 3 and really enjoying it also :smile: Hope to see you around and hear more about your progress. Or even actually hear it :musical_note: #community-recordings:audio-video-of-you-playing :musical_note:

Until then, keep on strumming :guitar:


Thanks very much for the welcome message Dave. Yes, seem to be a lot of Aussies here :nerd_face: Let’s see what can be accomplished - a community recording seems pretty intimidating right now but yes, after a bit more work, maybe it’ll happen. :+1:

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Welcome, glad you’re here.


Cool, I’ve got a couple of daughters who live in / around Melbourne. Spent a bit of time there last year including going to the Port Fairy Folk Festival in March.


Hi Dale, welcome. Justin guitar lessons provide the guitar student with the right amount of challenge that he or she can handle so it can stay engaged with his or her learning. I like to watch some YT videos of John Scofield playing guitar with the Big Band of the Danish Symphony Orchestra. After learning the basics do you want to dive into playing the guitar parts of pieces you already play with the trumpet or are you looking to explore other genres?

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Hi dobleA, Thanks for the welcome message. I’ve always loved Blues and Jazz. I never really thought about playing Big Band Guitar charts. I think I’m going to focus more on solo and small ensemble work in Jazz, Blues and Country. My daughter is an amazing singer and has already written and recorded a couple of originals and done some backing vocals for other artists. I’d like to be able to accompany her at some stage. I’d also like to eventually lay down some tracks (layers) with me on Trumpet or Flugal horn and then Guitar, my wife on Trombone and Piano and my daughter on vocals. My wife’s electric piano can assemble drum tracks and she can do a Bass line so we’ll be well sorted for a “virtual” ensemble. It’s a good stretch goal to have for a couple of years time. I’m really loving the lessons. Justin’s work is really exceptional. I hope you’re enjoying yourself too. :nerd_face:


Dale, welcome to the community forum. Justin has some song lesson videos where he accompanies another singer, so you can certainly learn to do that as you progress. With your musical background you should have an advantage learning some of the things in the lessons. Have fun playing songs.