Hello from Dave after all these years

Many years gone by so I’ll keep it brief! A distant friend of mine who also plays guitar and pointed me in Justin’s direction. Still have my CD lessons dating back to 2008. Having spent years trying to learn/play too many songs so in anticipation of the new blues course all the old stuff is on hold while I do some blues prep. Currently attempting to transcribe the Eric Clapton version of “I’m Tore Down” so far I’ve done 3 bars worth…all the right notes but not in the right place etc!
PS thanks to Richard Coles for his help on showing me how to post on the community site, hopefully he won’t regret it .


Welcome aboard, Dave! :slight_smile:

Wish you lots of fun on your guitar journey and your deep dive into the blues. :slight_smile:

Cheers - Lisa

Hey Dave, welcome to the community, thanks Richard for being an enabler!

Hello Dave,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of playing :sunglasses:

You may have to explain to some folk here what a CD is ! :rofl:
Good to meet you Dave, welcome.

Hi Dave, welcome to the community forum. Glad to hear you decided to come back to try again with the blues as motivation. I’m also trying to play blues so I look forward to hearing some from you. I also have the CDs and DVDs from Justin’s classic course. Don’t overlook the new things in Justin’s new beginner course. Grade 3 is actually completely new (since Grades 1 and 2 cover all the lessons and chords from the classic grades 1 to 3) and has lessons on transcription in most of the modules.

Welcome Dave.

Hi Dave, welcome. Good luck with your transcription efforts. Have fun.