Hello from Dick in Netherlands - Oldman rocks

Hey, I’m a dutch man, the age of 72, who wanted to play the electric guitar. Since 16th of februari this year I started to play stratocaster. A lovely stubborn instrument with 22 frets but I will be playing for now the first 3 ones. I can use this guitar without an amp due to the great sustain of the body but when my wife abd doughter are out, I’ll plug it in and play some power chords. For a good start I started withe the beginners course Grade 1 and I am now n Module 3. Must say I had classic guitar lesoons for four years at the age of 7, then changed from guitar to piano. Still playing the blues on my piano and want to play it on the guitar to. But first the basics of playing the guitar.
It’s funny how the brain works, I know all the chords from the modules but my fingers have problems with pressing the correct spot and place on the string and fret. Need to practice a lot.


welcome :slight_smile:

Hi ! Muscle memory is a thing! So it takes time.

If you already know music and piano then its just the mechanics of playing (which are substantial) but once you know where the notes are you can play the same blues

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Is correct but the notes on a piano are 5 black keys and 7 white keys from C to C. On a guitar it’s notes all over the pace. every string has its own notes. So I am currently learning the notes on every string using the chromatic scale.

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Yeah you just need to start on each string at a different point

Try finding the C’s on each string and working forward/backwards from there


I use this to learn the notes on the fretboard. It’s now the 4the week I’m trying to understand and play the guitar.
With this chart I can find octaves.

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Welcome to the forum

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yey Eduard!
welcome, get stuck in here, it’s a great place to learn​:heart::+1:
Justin has some great lessons on the site about learning the notes on the fretboard, so do check those out

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Yes, it’s a great place to learn good guitar skills and to meet people who want to hurt their fingertips. In my early days we had no internet and youtube. Now you can find almost everything on the internet.

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Welcome Eduard. I am an American man age 72. I have been playing guitar off and on since high school. I can always learn something from Justin. He has the best structure for learning that I have seen on the internet.



Hi Eduard ,
Welkom ouwe rocker :smile:
I wish you a lot of fun and hope to see you play a lot :sunglasses:

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Dank je, thanks, nice to meet you.

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Welcome, i totally understand the internet thing, 20 years ago all i had was dial-up, I was unable to watch any videos, the buffering was awful. Even if id found Justin Guitar back then it would not have worked for me. Ah well. :upside_down_face:

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We have seen so many changes in the last 60 years and everything must go so fast. I’m glad to have seen all these changes and could grow with it because I know it’s hard for a lot of older people to adapt. So I’m glad I found Justin Guitar course on the internet this week. Was searching for a good online guitar study program. There are a few but not in the way how you get instructions like the vids of Justin. A private teacher is too expensive for a retired person.

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Welcome to the Community Dick, Justin’s teaching system will serve you well. Nothing wrong with some good old slow Blues. Take your time and you’ll soon see for yourself !


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Thanks. Started this monday with the grade One course and I’m now beginning with module 4.
His teachings helped me a lot. Could not figure outhow to play chords without blocking strings with my fingers. The first view modules helped me finding the right hand and finger position. Chord changes go very smooth, accept the one from E to D is a bit tricky, but a lot o fpractice will solve that too.

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