Hello from Farah in Yorkshire, UK

Hello! I am Farah from Yorkshire, UK. 34 years old, wanted to play acoustic guitar for so maaaaaany years but I hadn’t got a chance to fullfill my passion. Last year I decided to give it a go. I bought my first guitar and found Justinguitar website so I’ve started my journey. I must say that I’ve enjoyed playing and learning guitar soo much, since then I’ve never stopped practicing even though it’s going slow through this busy life.

I Managed to reach module 9, and it feels soooo good that I can play several songs now, still struggling to play barre chords fluently though. Looking forword to get my fingers move and navigate through the fretboard quicker!

I have a great passion as well to learn finger style playing, I only learned 1 song so far “A Thousand Years” but without learning any basics in finger picking (just copied how to play it from a youtube video which took me ages to learn it LOL!)

Happy to be part off the group and Justin does a really fantastic job!


Hi Farah, welcome to the Community! Terrific to read of your progress so far and the clear pleasure you’re taking so far, that’s the most important thing!
Fingerstyle’s only a couple of modules away for you so your headstart, I’m sure, will stand you in good sted for when you get there.
Keep us posted on your progress, plenty of help around here whenever you need it and post up a recording whenever you’re ready to :slight_smile:


Hello Farah, and a warm Welcome to the community :hugs:.
Your story ist quite similar to my own (okay, I’m a bit older than you :wink:). Learning to play the guitar was on my bucket list for many years, but finally I gave it a go. I’m at module 8 right now, and am enjoying my guitar journey so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.
I’m looking forward to hearing more from you and your progress :blush:.


Welcome Farah. Well done for finally taking the plunge and starting your guitar journey. Have fun.


Hello Farah and welcome to the community, it’s great to hear about your progress so far and how much you’re enjoying Justin’s lessons, happy learning :smile:


Welcome to the community, Farah! Great to hear from you and about your story. Doesn’t it feel really satisfying to finally start to be able to do something that you’ve dreamed about for so long? :blush: Looking forward to hearing more from you!


Hey Farah, welcome to the community, really great to hear your story and that you are enjoying the guitar so much. Hang in there with the barre chords, they do get better and are very much worth it. I still remember how much trouble the F chord seemed to give me when I started.


Hi Farah, welcome to the community. It’s great that you can play a few songs and it only gets better as you progress through the lessons.


Hi Farah,
Welcome ,i wish you a lot of fun and many many years of playing, :sunglasses:


Hello Farah, welcome to JustinGuitar and the community.
Continue step by step with the modules in Justin’s course and all good will come in time. Keep learning and keep learning songs.


Hello Farah and welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

I hope you enjoy your journey. Keep at those barre chords, they do get easier.


Thank you all for the warm welcoming and the words of encouragement.:blush:

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Welcome this is an awesome place to be. You will only progress. I am a beginner too. So I can relate let me know if there’s anything you think I could help you with
Cheers happy playing :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello Farah. welcome to the community.

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