Hello From Florida, USA

Hello All,
I’m 63 year young, I’m a US Military Veteran! I’m hoping I can full fill a life time dream of playing acoustic guitar. I’ve had wanted to play for a lot of years, a lots of years. Embarrass to say how long. As I learn more about Mr. Justin and the more I’m looking around here. It is very inspiring for someone who longing wanting to play the guitar. I’m going to be here to stay. I can’t wait to play my first song :slight_smile:


Hello! I am also a Veteran. What branch did you serve in? If you start in Beginner Grade 1, Module 1, and take your time, it won’t take long before you will be playing an easy version of a song! It’s the whole point! Just take it easy, have the appropriate expectations, maybe laugh at yourself a little bit, and come back and interact with us here in the community. Know that many have started a bit later in life, but have done it!

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My kid just flew the coop and in college and I picked up her unused guitar. Like you, I have always wanted to play. Wondermonkey said it right, start with beginner grade one lesson one. You will be playing Bob Marley or Johnny Cash sooner than you think. I am not that far ahead of you. I am consolidating grade 2 and working on music theory before heading into grade 3, which looks really cool. Its been really fun for me so far i hope it is for you as well.


Hi Willie,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
Greetings ,Rogier

That’s my story, waited till I was 53 to start, now I’m 65 and SO very glad I stuck with it, it’s now part of my lifestyle and ever so rewarding. The first little while does take some perseverance so hang in there, the reward is worth it.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

Hi Willie, welcome to the community forum. If your goal is to play songs, then you have finally come to the right place. Start with the first module and you will learn to play easier songs. Take your time and play a little every day and eventually you will be able to play a lot of songs. Have fun.

Hello Willie :slight_smile:
So glad to hear you’re starting your dream and playing guitar :blue_heart: :smiley:
You’re in the right place and the community forum is wonderful and supportive too :sunflower:

Welcome, and thank you for your service! I had wanted the same thing, and I finally settled down and got down to it. I’m learning a lot and am having a great time doing it. I’m sure you will too.


Welcome, Willie. Hey, I started last year at the age of 4. You’re already ahead there! :laughing: I’ve wanted to play for at least 50 years. No shame in waiting till now. Have fun, this is a great place to learn.

Oh wow, this community Hub is for real. Thank yal :slight_smile: for the warm welcome. I was concern about posting at first, due too past experiences. Yal help me out. Thank you very much. I’m looking play for my wife of 29 years in may on a retreat. On the beach. Thank you all for your support. Know, it time to get busy playing.

Hello WonderMonkey,
I served in the united state Army. Thank you for the your input. As I learn my around here, I’m sure I’ll get a lot of great information that is going to help me to complete my ongoing goal.

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Thank you!

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Thank You!

Thank You!

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Thank You !

Thank You!

Hi Willie, welcome. Good the time has come for you to start your guitar learning. No shame in how long it was postponed. All the thinking in learning those chords and strumming with a steady rhythm. Have fun.


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