Hello from Gary in the Steel City (Sheffield UK)

Hello everybody, Im based in Sheffield in the UK, Arrived at this forum from watching a few of Justin’s free video’s.
Hoping to improve my playing by joining in with others in discussions and topics.
Im 54 years young and mostly retired now.
I have been trying to learn to play for a while now but but get quite frustrated at time so am looking for a more structured way of learning and this place looks like it ticks all the right boxes. Cheers :slight_smile:


Hello Gary and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

You’ve come to the right place for structure, though the frustrations can still be there at times.


Hi Gary,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
And you can stop hoping to improve…I give you a 100% guarantee that if you start at the beginning and go through lesson by lesson you will definitely improve :sunglasses:


Welcome Gary. You will improve but the frustration will still be around or at least it is for me.




Thank you all for the warm welcome :slight_smile:
I can play a few open chords and the minor pentatonic scale (slowly) but am starting from zero so that I can iron out any bad habits I may have picked up.
Learning the A chord with the new finger positions is interesting but does make so much sense. I just have to re-program my aging brain. :crazy_face:

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Hi Gary. Justin’s method is fantastic to get you on the right path of playing. I’m getting up in years too but still have the goal of playing at public performer levels. This group is very supportive along the way. Record yourself as you progress and see how you do. I’ve been here going on 3 years. Ups and downs but still here…and Sheffield is your home. Exciting since I’m a big Def Leppard fan and met Joe Elliot years ago in the USA. His songs are hard for me but still trying to play a few.

Good luck

Jeff from California


HI and welcome, Gary. I do believe you’ve come to the right place and the right community. I’ve learned so much in my first 3.5 months here! The lessons are awesome, the Community is awesome. All around Awesome!


Hi, thanks, I was a roady for about 3 years and have crewed for them amongst a fair few other bands.
Age and a misspent youth eventually caught up with me so no longer do that lol


Im off to see Dan Patlansky on Sunday, playing at the pub down the road from me. :slight_smile:

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Welcome, Gary :wave: you’re in the right place, hope to see you around :v:

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Wow that’s exciting.

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Sometimes the local guitar player at the pub around the corner gives the best advice. Ask him questions and tips if you can. I’m that annoying fan who asks our local guitar players tips and advice for playing guitar. One gave me his cell and stays in to with new ideas. You have to explore all options to seriously improve.


Hey Gary, welcome to the community. I started with Justin guitar 10+ years ago at the age of 53 after trying a long time before and getting no where. This time it stuck and it’s been such fun. Keep at it, it’s worth it.


Hes not really local to me, https://danpatlansky.com

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Wow I guess not after reading his blog. Enjoy the show anyways. I saw he does lessons so maybe you can get a question in.


I am very much looking forward to it, My favourites are SRV, Gary Moore, etc and his style is very similar.

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Thought whilst im new here id introduce my stable, :slight_smile:

Eve Mary

Lily Rose


And Lucille


Hi Gary, welcome to the community. I retrained my fingers to do the new A chord fingering. It makes sense when you change from A to E or from A to D, using the anchor finger (which Justin explains). You’ll find as you go through the course there are several ways to play any open chord. Try everything as it is taught by Justin and eventually you will see the logic of each suggestion.
Have fun with learning to play. It looks like you have a lot of good guitars to practice playing.


Welcome to the forum Gary