Hello from Gill, a Scottish Vintage Club Member


I’m Gill and I’m in my mid-fifties, so joined the Vintage Club from the start and have been really enjoying that. Thank you so much Richard Coles for all the work you’ve put into that. Really good fun as well as very helpful indeed. Thank you too to Lee Mead-Batten as I’ve joined some beginners too. Excellent.

As for my story: I taught myself basic guitar as a teenager on my sister’s cheapy acoustic from a small pamphlet on chords. I played a bit without progressing for a few years until life took over. On a whim I bought an electric to try and start to learn properly about 20 years ago, but again life took over. I’m now working part-time and I resolved to restart my guitar journey. My electric is a Les Paul style by Vintage. I also have an electro-acoustic, a Tanglewood ODYSSEY slim round back – a relic of the 1990s!

I’ve been following through Justin’s course and joining in the club and what a world away it is from trying to learn yourself from a pamphlet! I’ve had 4 lessons recently from a local young guitar teacher which has also been great. He’s asked if I’d been willing to play at his annual student recital next weekend. So I’m taking the plunge and braving playing in front of people. Yikes! It’s mainly young kids, so we’ll see what they make of hanging out and playing with a vintage club member!

As for the vintage club, we had a discussion on the WhatsApp group yesterday about aches & pains and I mentioned my recent purchase to try and help with back & shoulder pain. Someone asked what all I’ve tried, so I thought I’d answer here. I don’t suffer from it all the time but am susceptible to it and it has hampered me in learning. It’s particularly so with the electric. It’s heavy and the neck dives. In hindsight I’d probably pick a different guitar, but it’s what I have for now. My arms are on the short side and that probably doesn’t help. I was struggling to stretch to play scales etc. I’ve tried lots of things like using a footstool, and also guitar on left leg like classical but I found that tricky/uncomfortable with my guitar and stretching to the open position wasn’t any good. It was impossible with the roundback. I tried standing to play which helped with reaching, but then my back & shoulder was worse with the weight of the electric. But having the neck tilting up a bit definitely does help, like when I’m standing. So now I’m trying the NeckUp guitar support with the electric. I’ve just got it in the last couple of days. Time will tell if it’s what works for me. It’s a journey!

Great to be part of the community and to be encouraged by all the other learners out there all over the world
All the best


Welcome, Gill. I was over on the whats ap bemoaning my elbow tendinitis. Have fun at your recital.

Thanks! All the best with your elbow. It sounds frustratingly painful.

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Welcome to the forum Gill

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Hi Gill :wave:

Welcome to the community. Learning material has evolved considerably over the last few decades. So much available now since the internet grew. You have certainly found one of the best structured learning materials out there. Stick with Justin’s system and you won’t go wrong. @Richard_close2u is an integral part of the process and has written on many subjects in the Tips from the Official Guides / Approved Teachers section, in addition to his recent Vintage Club adventures. I am beyond the beginner stage but seen nothing but positive feedback on Lee’s Clubs. Both will serve you well.

Plus a whole host of experienced folk here only willing to help those treading the road behind them.

Welcome onboard !



welcome :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the group! Lots of older folks on here. I’ve visited Scotland a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed it. Glasgow and Edinburgh of course, Rosslyn to see the chapel, Stirling, also down to Biggar and up to Pitlochry to visit friends.

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In-person lessons plus learning from Justin,
That’s a great recipe for guitar joy , for sure

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Hello from a fellow Scot now resident in England. Given the ages of many others here, myself included, you’re almost in the youth movement! There are great people and great resources on Justin’s site. Enjoy your time here.



Welcome, Gill … my Agile LP is a 10.2lb slab of mahogany … And my G&L S-500 and Tele parts caster, both solid swamp ash, aren’t far behind. You get used to the weight eventually :grin:

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Thanks that’s encouraging. I think I should be going to gym… but then I’d rather play guitar :grin:

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Hello Gill & welcome!!!

Heavy guitars can be a drag :wink: but there are lots of lighter alternative s. You should check with @roger_holland … he’s physically unable to handle a heavy guitar and might have some good advice!
As a 62 year old who tries to be 40 way too often… I hear you loud and clear about aches and pains!!!
Good luck with your guitar journey!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA


Welcome Gill!

A proper guitar chair (barstool with the ring) helped me with the back pain. Those things are good as they will force you to correct your posture. You might want to try that as well.

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Thank you. Will have a look out for those

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Thank you. Hope you manage to keep your eek creeks at bay

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Hi Gill, can I ask, what is the Vintage Club? I’m also in my 50s, loving learning from Justin’s course, but maybe the Vintage Club would be a good motivator for me…

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All about clubs here, there a few to choose from depending on where you are in your journey. If unsure shout out for advice.





Just seen you are in Auckland so time of day might be an issue with a lot of the clubs.
However, @Richard_close2u is hosting special Vintage Club this Wednesday, specifically for those out East in Australasia. If there is enough interest I believe the plan is to do them more frequently but numbers will matter. So it may be worth signing up, so there another name on the list to make that happen !


Ooh yes, definitely.
Thanks @TheMadman_tobyjenner


Hi Janey, nice to say hello! The others have answered how to join the clubs. I just wanted to say give them a try if you can. It’s great there will be one on Wednesday at a time slot more suited to your part of the world. I’ll be working but hey ho!

It’s encouraging that all the different people are online at the same time learning along side you. People are a different stages, but that doesn’t matter at all. @Richard_close2u guides you through and is a clear and patient teacher. We’ve just been having lots of fun with rhythm & power chords. Enjoy!!