Hello from Graham in Northumberland UK

Welcome to the forum Graham

Welcome Graham! You’ve found the right place to learn, you can get so much out of Justin’s well structured course! The community is very supportive.

I highly recommend having a look at the Club Sessions here:

You can find a lot of helpful material, inspiration and suggestions to improve.
They paused the Club meetings for a few weeks now, but new ones will be announced here:

I attended mainly the Vintage Club sessions, you can find comprehensive material under the Resources Tabs in the Clubs Archive!

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Welcome Graham,
Enjoy your journey and have fun…

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Welcome to the forum Graham.

There could be a very good reason you keep gravitating back to Justin’s lessons. :wink:

Don’t sweat it ! We all learn at a different pace. Slow and steady is a good approach, said from someone who is the human equivalent of a sloth when it comes to guitar “mastery”.


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Welcome aboard, Graham! :smiley:

Enjoy the guitar journey :slight_smile:

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Hello Graham & Welcome!!!

Don’t stress about how long it takes to learn new things… we all learn at our own pace! Also, it’s not a race, unless maybe it’s a marathon!!!
Sounds like some good gear you have! Keep it fun & just keep on keepin’ on!!!
Good luck with your journey!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

Hi Graham, welcome to the community forum. I got a lot of help breaking away from one dimensional playing by viewing and playing along with most of the beginning song lessons on the website. Justin starts with basic chord progressions and strumming and then shows how to enhance the strumming and the chord progression. I also went through the Strumming SOS course. It takes time, but eventually you can make even a simple chord progression sound interesting. Also I found it takes a lot of repetition to make even a simple lick or short solo sound spontaneous. Have fun learning

Great progress. Retirement has been a great boost for my guitar playing. The other morning I noticed my fingers were starting to feel a bit tender. Looked at the clock and realized I’d been playing for 3 hours. Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Thanks Roger.

Hi Michael, Thanks for that.
I’ve just ha d a look through your learning log which is very impressive.

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Cheers Stitch.

Thanks for taking the time to point me towards those, Helen. I’ll have a look at them.

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Thanks for the response. I think you are right about learning not being a race, but its easy to get carried away and rush onto the next thing. Maybe a bit too much like a kid in a sweet shop wanting to try everything too soon - how old do you think I need to be to grow out of that mindset? :slight_smile: :innocent:

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Thanks Steve, I’ll give the Strumming SOS a go.

welcome :slight_smile:

Graham @Huderstub
Thanks for the kind words.
There is no doubt about it, I am only where I am today by following Justin’s lessons.

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Welcome, Graham. This place is very helpful. I am sure you will improve.

Aren’t PRS nice guitars? I love my Soapbar II!

Hi Graham. Welcome to the forum.
Have fun learning - it’s not a race. I’m 64, completed Justin Grade 2 late last year, and have been consolidating since. (Justin suggested minimum 2 months before going to Grade 3)
When I’m ready, Grade 3 awaits! But I’m enjoying things now.
Bruno from New Zealand.

Hi Graham,

Welcome, look forward to seeing some recordings from in in the future. I have the Katana 50 and love it :+1: Welcome aboard

Hello Graham. Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
