Hello from Howie in the Hudson Valley of New York

This is my 4th time attempting to learn to play. The first two times (55 and 45 years ago) were self taught and really didn’t go anywhere. The third time 15 years ago was with a teacher who was a great guitarist but after going through 4 modules of Justin’s I see was a poor teacher and I again didn’t get too far.

I’ve learned more in a month using the app than I did in all my previous attempts. I love Justin’s teaching method. The encouragement I get from him is great. The objective exercises (one minute cord changes) allow me to see my progress. And watching him learn left handed makes me feel good about my progress.

I will succeed this time!


Howard @Howiealan50
Welcome to the community and hope you succeed this time.
Michael :grinning:

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Hi Howard,
Welcome here and i wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

You know what they say right … 4 times is a charm … or something like that, I come from the Netherlands and English is a bit of gambling :roll_eyes::smile:

But you have found the best way to get the best out of yourself as quickly as possible … :sunglasses:

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Hello Howard and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

It sounds like you’re enjoying learning with Justin and who can blame you. Enjoy.

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Hello Howie and welcome to the community.
Great players do not necessarily make great teachers.

Yes and yes you will I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Welcome Howie!
You’ve landed on the best place to learn guitar
best of luck, and I’m sure you’ll make loads of progress here,

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Welcome to the forum Howie

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Welcome Howie, I could have written almost the same story. With Justin you have a good chance of succeeding.

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Hey Howie, great to hear from you. Look forward to hearing more.

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Welcome to the group, :wave:


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Welcome, @Howiealan50 !

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Hi Howie, welcome to the community. It sounds like you have finally found what you need to succeed in playing the guitar.

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Hi Howie, welcome. Good you found Justin Guitar to progress with your guitar playing. If progress slow down at some point don’t get discouraged; some guitar skills take longer than others to get fluent with.

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Welcome, Howard :wave: yes, you WILL succeed :muscle: :v:

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