Hello from Lee in Australia. Why did it take me so long to find this forum?!?

Greetings all in the JG Community. My name is Lee and I live in Australia. I’m a 60 something guitarist, I’ve been a JG member for over 10 years but never posted or used the community forum until now. I started playing in my early 40s as I wanted to do something that gave me a sense of purpose and some level of satisfaction and personal achievement in life. Mostly a self and web taught guitarist with the invaluable lessons provided by Justin. Playing guitar has become a part of my life, I rarely let a day go by when I don’t pick up one of my ladies and feel guilty if I don’t. I’m not a natural guitarist, I find I have to constantly work at it otherwise I loose my touch. I’ve been in a couple of amateur bands. A folk band and a 60s to 00s cover band. Of late I’ve been meeting up with some ex band mates, setting songwriting challenges and recording/producing the end result.

Thank you for welcoming me to the community, I hope to add some more posts soon. Peace and Love to you all.



Hey welcome, at last :wink: :smiley:

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Hi Lee, better late than never eh! :wink:
Good to meet you and welcome, sounds like you’ve got an interesting story with the guitar and I’m sure interesting experience to share with us.

Have a check out of the place and keep involved, we’re all here for each other!

Have fun :guitar::metal:

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Hello Lee!

Welcome to the forum!

It took me 8 months to get the courage to interact, when I was younger I loved forums. But as other social media, in general, seems to be so full of cynics, I avoided communities a bit. So I’m kinda new again to forums again, but here it seems to be in great spirit.

I’m also in my 40s now and feel I experienced the same as you with falling in love with the guitar. Great to read you’re still at it and out playing and living the music.

I’m looking forward to checking out your work here soon :v:

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G’day Lee! Thanks for pointing out this community forum to me - looks like there’s a wealth of knowledge and encouragement here.

Hey Lee, welcome to the forum, great to hear from another Aussie in here. We live in Northern NSW and are active in the SE Qld acoustic gatherings. Hope to bump into you around a campfire some time

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Thanks Rob

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Will do Notter. Thank you for the welcome.


Thank you for the welcome Siff. It takes a little while for we introverts to come out of our shell…… 60+ years sometimes!!

Kind regards


Hello Andrew, yes a warm welcome, plenty of encouragement and generous spirits to be found here. Enjoy matey.

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Thank you Tony. Enjoying lots of warm welcomes on this forum.


Welcome Lee! Glad you finally made it! By the way… we’re a notorious lot who love to look at the other’s “ladies”!!! Show off your guitars, mate!!! :rofl:


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Welcome @Knee_Wobbler

is there a thing like a “natural guitarist” who doesn’t need to keep working? :smiley:
I bet nobody will dare to claim that :wink:

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Welcome Lee and good to have you here. Good to hear more about you after listening to your post earlier with your song “get your sh*t together”. Keep producing those original songs!

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Thank you Tod, will do. Cheers mate.


Welcome Lee. This is a great community glad you joined.

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G’day Lee and welcome from Perth.

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Welcome Lee! Glad you found us.

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Probably not, but some seem more gifted than others. Cheers buddy.

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Hi Lee, nice to have you here after all that time you’ve already spent in Justin’s “guitarverse”. Wish you lots of fun!

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