Hello from Lisa in Arizona

Hello everyone,
My name is Lisa and I am learning guitar at 56. bought a fender strat as my first electric and enjoying the process. I did try a few years ago with an acoustic but the blisters made me stop and the break was enough to de-motivate me. I’ve been playing for 1 month with the electric and am over the blisters. I love the app and just started module 2.


Welcome aboard, Lisa! :slight_smile:

Glad you gave guitar another try and joined us. Wish you loads of fun on the journey and a steep learning curve. :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa

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Great stuff Lisa, welcome to the community. I started in my mid 50s and 10 years on it’s just the best thing when you stick it out and become confident.

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Hi Lisa,
Nice to meet you. Good luck with your learning journey. The further you go the better it gets.
Best wishes,

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Hello Lisa and welcome to the community

Welcome, Lisa, glad you started up again and you’ a long way from being an old lady! :laughing:

Welcome to the forum Lisa

Thank you for all the welcomes. this is a marathon, not a sprint and I keep my guitar next to my desk so I don’t forget to play it. plus it was expensive :rofl:

Hi Lisa, a very warm welcome to the community. With Justin’s site and app you’ve found a great place to learn. Stay in contact with the community and reach out for help, whenever you need. Have fun!

Hi Lisa,
Welcome here and good to read that you the app works well for you and keep you going,I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Hello Lisa, welcome to the community :hugs:.
Great, that you gave guitar playing a second chance.

I wish you lots of fun with your new six-string-friend :smiley::guitar:!

Welcome to the community Lisa, very creative username you got there :laughing:

Hope you have loads of fun with your journey

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Hello Lisa & welcome!!!
Remember to keep it FUN!!! So much about learning guitar has made other aspects of life better!!!
Good luck with the journey!!!


Hello Lisa and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

We’ve all battled the sore fingers but it’s nice to be told about them by a pro, otherwise you just think it is something that will always happen when you play guitar.

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Hi Lisa, welcome to the community forum. Have fun now that you have earned your calluses. If you still have your acoustic you might want to give it another try, now that you have calluses. You might find it more enjoyable. Have fun learning new songs in Grade 2, which has a lot more songs for electric guitar, that sound good on a Strat.

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Yes, I do have it and plan on going back to it once I get my chords and strumming. I love the sound of acoustic but did buy a nice “I’ll never need another” electric fender that fits me better because I am small.

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Welcome to the forum

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Good to meet you Lisa.
Good to hear the blisters have settled down. Now work the heck out of those calluses ! :rofl:
Welcome to the Community !

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Welcome aboard Lisa. Great to hear you are giving it another go. You’ve come to the right place. This is such a lovely and supportive group. Have a wonderful journey.:blush:

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Welcome Lisa. Have fun along the way