Hello from Jean-Michel in Lorraine, France

Hi Jean-michel,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Good time to start now when lots of free time is coming to you soon :sunglasses:


Greetings. Good place to be. Your English is fine :smiley:

Hello Jean-Michel :smiley:

A warm welcome to the forum from another not native speaker :sunflower:
This doesn’t seem to be a problem here in this very kind and helpful community - and your English is fine anyway.

You’ve found the perfect place for your guitar journey, and it is nice that you are doing progress already.
The courses and song tutorials are very comprehensive, well structured, motivating and lots of fun.

Enjoy your musical yourney and have lots of success :notes: :guitar:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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bienvenue dans le groupe :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your warm welcomes, it warms the heart !

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Bienvenue, Jean-Michel :smiley:
Good to have another Gaul on board.

Until we see pictures or feel the vibrations, this does not technically exist… :rofl:

I’m afraid the position of ‘weird English’ has already been taken.
All will become clear if you stick around… :wink:


Welcome to the community and enjoy your learning journey!


nice to be called a Gaul, I was afraid of soon becoming a frog ;D

But maybe frog’s only used on my side of the pond in these nice Islands who birthed Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and so many more great bands!

Et merci à ceux qui font l’effort d’écrire en français !

il y a aussi quelques francais dans le coin :stuck_out_tongue:

Bienvenu Jean-Michel (d’une voisine belge)! Hope you have loads of fun with your new 6 string friend and on this forum. And as you can see, there are loads of non native English speakers on here - no reason to worry about it!

Bonsoir amie Belge,

j’habite à 10 minutes de la Belgique et je travaille essentiellement avec des Belges ;D

Ik heb ook Nederlands geleerd!

At it happens, I’m living close to Belgium and working a lot with Belgian people.

The world in so small in the end!

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Welcome! My knowledge of Lorraine was mainly that it’s a geographically beautiful area near the German border, with a lot of different language dialects (mixtures of Romance and Germanic) because of border and administration fluctuations over the centuries. I just looked it up and was surprised to see how populated it is! Well over 2 million.

Bienvenue Gyall.

Native Brit mais s’est retiré à Normandie (Manche et à quelques kilomètres de Mont St Michel) il y a 13 ans et aimant toujours ce pays au cours des 30 dernières années. Les membres français, même ceux qui ont un héritage anglais, quelques-uns bien entre ici, mais les chiffres continuent de croître.

Comme le dit le proverbe, je parle français comme une vache espagnole. En vérité, je me débrouille par M. Google Translate est utile. Je suis sûr que vous trouverez également lorsque vous communiquez ici.

Vous avez trouvé un superbe endroit pour apprendre plein de gens merveilleux.
Ravi de vous avoir ici.

Si tout cela n’a pas de sens, blâmez Google. Notre résident néerlandais @roger_holland le fait tout le temps.

À bientôt.


Hey, yes, that’s where I live ! I’m close to what we call the “three borders country”, where you can find a spot where Luxembourg, Germany and France are just a few kilometers away (sorry for you imperial units users, I’m stuck on metric ;D).

And Belgium is just half an hour away.

Yes, we’re much smaller than the US of A, but we still have a lot to share and enjoy !

Come see us !

Of course, you’ll need to be aware of potential hassles like strikes, rainy days (these days it usually rains only between downpours) and French incomprehensible inability to speak foreign languages (just kidding, we frogs fare now much better in that respect).


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mais Toby votre français est très bon, et la Normandie une très chouette région ;D

Thanks a lot for your kind words!

Vous pouvez remercier Google Traduction, mais je suis devenu au jour le jour. Ravi de vous rencontrer.


Welcome Jean-Michel,

What a great time you have ahead of you here!
Stick close to Justin’s great tuition, and reach out here anytime. It’s a wonderful community, all helping each other out along the way.

All the best,
Cheers, Shane

Hey welcome to the forum, it’s always great to have new people on board.
I agree with your opinion on Dire Straits it’s so nice to listen to them obviously enjoying themselves whilst they play.
Oh and don’t worry about your English it’s fine

When I’ve visited France I was affectionately called “Les Rosbif” :rofl:

I’d say that Rosbif (french slang for roastbeef) is more affectionate than disrespectful.

Just my opinion however, I may be wrong.

Moi j’aime bien les Rosbifs !