Nostalgia for the 80s

Then just for @brianlarsen here’s a 70s tune I’m sure he loved :wink:

:heart_eyes:…Not exactly this one for me but the italian version one of my fav artist made…I think it’s one of the songs I listened to the most.

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But …I said (something nice as always over two years ago) and makes a comment that he is already so terribly old :grin:…after that never …cough …cough …ever …cough…any more :innocent:… and he then said “I don’t know whether to bless you or curse you” :scream: … The next thing I type is 100% real … well ,I have a feeling what he chose in the following week the calls from England started pouring in for maybe 4 months, Every time I blocked a number, a variant of such a telephone number came from a friendly Asian lady who wanted to help me with my computer…

now I ask you… is that really a coincidence? :joy:

Okay, maybe not a real question above :blush:, but then I thought it was funny and I had to think about it every time “she” called (which I found very annoying).

I don`t understand irony :roll_eyes: :joy: :joy: :rofl:

Sorry ,I will stop en try to take care of my garden :sunglasses:

Thanks for the smiles :smiley:

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I was a big Rod Stewart/Faces fan back in the 60/70/80s.
Here’s one especially for you Sylvia.

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This one also brings back a lot of memories, but I mainly looked up this classic to ask @tRONd what he thought of it as a little Trondje ? :laughing:

And I also wanted to say that I hope that you are just only very busy with your work at this time, which has happened before… and still play the axe :crossed_fingers:



I have a cool Adriano Celentano playlist that I love to revisit every now and again :smiley:

As I mentioned just now in another thread, the position of ‘weird English’ has been taken :rofl:


Can you believe despite watching that film countless times, I never actually listened to the lyrics of the opening tune? :open_mouth:
Needs parental warning/NSFW though :laughing:

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Got a tickle in my neck, went to look and read and laughed out loud…my girl too… :rofl:

I wanted to make jokes and write off other forum members such as The Italian girl, but I feared that I would probably make it worse, and today I made many big mistakes several times…curse (now it’s correct @sequences :rofl:).

Greetings and goodenighte :sunglasses:

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Thanks Craig! :joy: Might be working on a couple of things, we’ll see :wink::sweat_smile:


Hi Jeff :hugs:

Oh…but I didn’t mention similarity here, I just wrote that at a certain point I started singing…and that’s because there was no singing there while I was expecting it :joy:
I can’t do without the singing and the pink floyd seemed to fit well :rofl:


Well if a ghostly hand came out of a magazine I was reading, I for one wouldn’t be reaching out to hold it! :flushed:


The transpiration of the unplugged version is superb and shows the impact of slowing a song down


I’m always happy to indulge in some 80’s nostalgia. A couple of slow ones that sprung to mind.

@Socio James, that was a really good version of Take on me.


Where’s @Rossco01 this is right up Jason’s back alley. :slight_smile:


You’re a load of softies :laughing:
Get ready for some ROCK :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:


Only thing I listened to in the 80s was Hard Rock. UK radio just played rubbish all day. :crazy_face:

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Everything Counts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Them’s fightin’ words, Mr. Toby! :rofl: