Hello from Luc in Quebec Canada

Hello everyone, Justin Guitar is a pillar in guitar education. I started learning the basics 3 years ago on this site and then did the merry go round of online guitar lessons…but I always come back to my roots…Justin Guitar.


welcome to the community, quite a few Canadians around here. Look forward to hearing more from you


welcome to the forum Luc

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Hello Luc.
Welcome to the community.
Three years? Hey, what took you so mong to find us?
Just ask if you need anything.

Welcome Luc, when I started 3-4 months ago, I played around on other sites, too, wondering if a combination of sites would be a good way to learn and decided it was too haphazard and confusing so found Justin Guitar and am sticking with it. I am still amazed sometimes that, hey, I can play a song on rhythm guitar! Obviously, I’m far from great at it (yet!) but I could do nothing 5 months ago!

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Welcome to the community Luc :wave: it’s seems like a Canadian takeover is happening :wink: the more the merrier of you lovely people :v:

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Thanks Tony, nice to here from you.

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Thanks Stitch…

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Thanks Richard…hopefully I will stick around for awhile… :grinning:

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Thanks…interesting name…LunaRocket…yes I understand…I have been learning a whole lot of pieces, but have yet to complete the puzzle…I started learning guitar late in life…at 62, and I am. now 65…Not ready to play with the Stones just yet… :smile:

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thanks Chazzo…Canadians can play guitar too…lol. What we all have in common is what brings us together…


Welcome, Luc!!!

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I don’t know, at our age, we’d be the youngest Stones. :rofl:

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Hi Luc,
Welcome here and have fun while while sticking with Justin this time :sunglasses:

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Hello Luc and welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

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Welcome Luc, stick with Justin.

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Hi Luc, welcome to the community.

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Hi Luc, welcome. Having such a well structured courses as Justin has is an asset. Other information available can be good as a complement but few can offer a long term learning path as Justin does.

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