Hello from Michele in PA

I hope I’m doing this right. This is my first forum post and I’m just figuring out how to use it. I decided to take up guitar a year ago when my two year old grandson showed such interest in music, especially the guitar. I have a musical theory base, having studied violin as a child. I was in choir, my kids were in choir and my daughter took piano. I thought, how hard could it be to teach myself? Well, I got a good book of practice exercises, but it all wasn’t making sense. I could pick a song, but struggled with cords and progressions. Someone in an online group suggested this program. I decided to start at 0 and find out what my problem was. I’m so thankful! Just a few tweaks with these videos and it’s all starting to come together! Amazing what he can show so simple that I couldn’t find through dozens of YouTube videos. I’m excited to progress and to be part of this community.


Welcome to the forum Michele. You’ve found the right place to learn guitar and the community is very helpful when you have questions or get stuck.

Hello Michele, and a warm Welcome to the community :hugs:.

Yes, Justin’s course is great. I’m glad, you’ve discovered it so early on in your journey :smiley:.

I wish you lots of fun with your six-string-friend :grinning:.

Hi Michele!

Welcome to the community. The curriculum, tools, and people here are really great.

Wish you a great time and enjoyment with the new instrument! :v:

Hello Michele & welcome!!!
Nice to hear that Justin is helping you to make a connection with your guitar! I find that the best thing for me is to have my guitar on a stand so it’s handy… I often start the coffee brewing in the morning & pick up the guitar & strum or do some scale practice until that 1st cup is ready!!!
Good luck with the journey!!!


Hey Michele, welcome to the community. Justin’s stuff is super, glad you are finding your groove with the guitar!

Hi Michele,
Nice to meet you, good luck with your guitar progress. I don’t think I would have been able to stick at learning guitar with just a book. A two year old showing an interest in guitar, wow! Impressive. Starting young hey.
Best wishes,

Welcome Michele. Looking forward to hearing of your progress.

I don’t think there’s anybody better doing online instruction than Justin. I’ve never found myself saying “wait, wait, what did you just do?” like I have at times with every other online teacher I’ve looked at. He makes things so clear.

Hi Michele,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Hello Michele and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Justin is such a great teacher. He tell it to you in language you can understand.

Welcome Michele, good luck on your journey enjoy :slight_smile:

Hi Michele, welcome to the community forum. You have found the right place to learn guitar. By the time you finish grade 1, you’ll be able to play a few songs with confidence. If you look at the lessons on the website, you can find discussions for each of the video lessons if you need help. Have fun learning songs. With your singing background, you should find a lot of inspiration in the song video lessons as you sing along and play.

Welcome, Michele, this is in my humble opinion, the best place to learn online. I tried other websites, but I feel right at home with Justin.

Hello Michele, glad to hear you find your way to Justin. First I had look my on country teachers, AndysGuitar and similar… but it still “wasnt it”. Justin is best of them for me and I really hope he will teach you more. :slight_smile:

Hi Michele, welcome to the group. I find the lessons by Justin are very helpful. He describes how to do things in a down to earth manner. Have fun.

Hi Michele, welcome. Good you found Justin Guitar. No rush through the lessons, you’ll feel when it’s time to move to the next module and if not Justin indicates so on each module. Have fun.

As already stated you’ve found the right place for learning guitar. Welcome onboard Michele.