Hi! I’m patch! I first picked up a guitar towards the end of high school from a pawn shop. I didn’t get too far, just learned the basic chords and a few riffs. I left the guitar at home when I went off to college and never really got around to it again for a while.
Then about 6 years ago, the bug bit me again. I decided to buy one and pick it back up. Bought an Epiphone Les Paul, and realized my fingers still remembered everything from before. But then my wife and I moved, and into storage the guitar went for a while, due to the apartment we rented at the time being so small.
About three years ago, after living in our new place for about a year or so, the bug bit again and I picked it up and haven’t really put it back down. At the same time, I found Justin Guitar and have been slowly working my way through. (My daughter was also born about 3 years ago )
I’ve worked my way up to the Beginner stage 2 finger picking lesson, have added an Epiphone SG and a Mitchell Acoustic-Electric from guitar center to my slowly growing collection.
I’m horrible for staying active on communities. I have ADHD and I tend to just not visit online communities for a bit, then returning in a flurry, then disappearing for a while again… etc… But I’m looking for a place to share my achievements with fellow learners, and help myself grow.
Nice to meet you!