Hello from Raz - A Prelude to Discovery

Hello all,

I joined the website a few months ago after doing some research and choosing this one for my needs. I am currently in Grade 2.

I used to be be beginner - intermediate 20 some years ago when I kinda stopped with a few super small exceptions in between, so some of the lessons are just about remembering while others are brand new.

I am looking forward to new experiences, new friends and some jamming too.


Hey Raz, welcome to the community. look forward to hearing more from you

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Welcome to the forum Raz

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Welcome, Raz.

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Hi Raz and welcome, enjoy getting reacquainted with the best instrument in the world!! :+1::guitar:

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I get that every time I start Justin’s beginner’s course from scratch!

Welcome Raz!


Welcome to the Forum @razshaw , I am new too, the people here are very friendly. Tell us what kind of guitar do jam on ? :grin:

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Welcome to the community, Raz!

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Hello Raz and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

I’m sure you’ll soon be back to the level you were 20 years ago. It’s like riding a bike, right?

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Hi Raz,

Welcome hope you manage to get back up to speed quickly sure it will come back to you.

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Welcome aboard, Raz! :slight_smile:

Glad you joined us, you’re in good company here. Have kind of a similar background with a lot of playing in the past and a very long break in between. Now about 1 year in again and went from Grade 1 to end of Grade 3, doing some consolidation before moving on. :slight_smile:

Wish you lots of fun re-discovering guitar-land and looking forward to hearing more from you. :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.

@Argonaut779237 my daily shredder is an Epiphone Les Paul Studio.


Hello Raz, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:!

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Hi Raz
Nice to meet you :slight_smile:
Welcome to the Community :hugs: :sunflower:

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:wave: Welcome


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Very nice :+1: :+1:

Hi Raz,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Welcome! Wishing you the best as you start back up with guitar. Anything stand out thus for as one of those things you wish you’d learned 20 years ago?

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The amount of information available can be truly overwhelming. Choosing a course or path and sticking with it can be paralyzing at times because everyone is promising different things that you want to do. So it took me a while to settle on Justin Guitar. I am still doing other things as well here and there but this one is my main one.

I am happy that theory is available to learn now as in the past I was relying on friends here and there or learning bits here and there as I was meeting another guitarist that seemed to know something I did not.

It it a great time if you want to learn guitar or anything else for that matter.

Welcome to The Guitar Community By Justin :guitar::dizzy: @razshaw

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