Hello from Redmond, Washington (the states...)

Hello! Hopefully I’m doing this correctly. Well, I’m Kevin. A friend introduced me to Justin’s site a little over three years ago. I’ve commented a few times in other places, but I guess I haven’t introduced myself to this corner of the room before. So, here goes…
I first tried learning the guitar in my pre-teen years. My parents “allowed me” to take classical, which oddly enough didn’t stick. But I learned a few things. Nearly 50 years later here I am trying to learn again. This year one of my goals is to play “live” on one of the open mic events.
I am fortunate to have gone to two of Justin’s workshops, my first in Italy and last year in Quebec. I wake up every morning interested in learning more. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m still aimed up the hill. I look forward to being more involved.


Welcome to the forum Kevin

Hi Kevin, from somewhat-nearby Oregon. Thanks for sharing your experience and enthusiasm. Hope to see you around the Community!

Hi Judi. Thanks for the response. I lived in Portland after I left the service back in 1992 and still have friends down there.
I’ve made some wonderful friends through Justin’s site - four in the U.K., one in Switzerland, one in Canada, and a couple in Colorado. And I met Jay Kilby here in Redmond, who I jam with on occasion (bit of a lockdown slow down, but hope to return to more of that again).
See you around the neighborhood.

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Thanks for the welcome. How’s life up north? I’ve not been to Alberta though I hope to make it to Banff one of these days.

Hey Kevin, welcome to the forum.

One thing that helped me make it stick was making practice a daily thing, every day, without fail. Just 10 minutes is all you need to keep it going. It’s so very worth it. I can now pick up a guitar any where, any time and churn out a bunch of tunes, it’s such fun. You’ll be able to as well, just gotta hang in there at first.

Hi Kevin, welcome to the community!

Cold right now. Has been a crazy winter, was really warm up until last week when it went down to -33c on the weekend. Going back up to +3 buy this weekend.
Banff is beautiful in the summer and has some of the best skiing in the world in the winter.

Hi Kevin,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Welcome Kevin.

Welcome to the Community!

Welcome aboard, Kevin!

You’re enthusiasm for learning to play guitar really cuts through your post. :smiley: Great!

Wish you loads of fun on your journey.

Cheers - Lisa

Hi Kevin, welcome to the community forum. If your goal is to eventually play live, then a good first step would be to learn a few songs and when you are ready post a video or sound clip of your playing to the AVOYP (Audio-Video of You Playing) section of Community Recordings in the community. Even if you are at Grade 2 level , you might want to record a Grade 1 song first, to make it easier on yourself. That is what’s I did. Have fun in your guitar journey.

Hi Kevin, welcome. Good you’re trying to learn guitar again. If you are climbing the hill at whatever pace you can is still good. Once in a while you may have to pause to catch a breath. Have fun.

He Kevin.
After we spoke today I had to come looking for the introductory you mentioned.
Those cold north-western Pacific states …
You’ll get a warm welcome here. And I too look forward to your AVOYPs.