Hello From S/E Michigan

Pre-beginner here, still shopping for my first guitar. 50+ older learner (should I be posting here or in the “old dogs” above?) and life-long overthinker, so it’s taking me a while to take the plunge.

How’d I find Justin Guitar? Well, although I do watch quite a bit of guitar content on YouTube, I actually discovered JG in my local library. One of his song books is there and it’s listed as “Justinguitar.com” in the catalog. I also then found a blog called “midlife guitar” and that person has a lot of good things to say about the JG program.

I am looking to get an electric guitar to start. I’ll move to another place to ask some questions. Other than that, I’m happy to be here and eager to get started!


You are okay here Tim. I am sure I just gave you a little bit advice but however welcome come in and enjoy mate I have just gone 65 so never to old cheers Hec

Welcome, you cant ask for a better learning environment IMO.

Have a great journey.

Welcome to the forum Timothy

Welcome Brother!

Welcome Timothy, from a fellow over-thinker. (I was also born in SE Michigan, but haven’t lived there since Jr High school!) My first guitar was an acoustic, but when shopping for it I expect I had a similar experience to what you’re having now. In retrospect, when shopping for your first guitar I’d offer: make sure it feels good when you play it. Make sure you like it - how it looks, how it sounds. (That goes for the amp too - for me, I prefer those with fewer bells and whistles, and I don’t need 40 watts yet!). Don’t spend too much money now, there will be plenty of time to do that when GAS (guitar acquisition syndrome) inevitably hits. Do listen to advice given to you as a beginner. Finally, this is a good place to pose questions if they arise as you shop! Hope to hear from you…

I started playing in my early 50s and now I’m into my later 60s and thrilled with what I learned from Justin Guitar. Welcome to the community

Welcome to the community forum.