Hello from Siggy, a new member in Nottinghamshire

Hi everyone

I’m siggy and from Nottinghamshire. Been playing for around 3 years on and off but recently playing around 3 hours a day. At the moment half way through Justin’s course. Was thinking about doing an open mic recently but bottled it not sure I’m ready yet !


Hi Derek & welcome!
I think you will find this Community to be a very positive & welcoming group! Have loads of fun with your guitar!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

P.S. Gear pics are always welcome!!! :blush:

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Welcome to the forum Siggy (Derek)

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Hey Siggy - Welcome!

If you wait until you think you are ready for an OM you will never do one. If you are thinking about it, then trust me, you are ready.

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Hi Siggy,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

And when you think of an open mic ,well start with AVOYP :smiley: (a video of you playing)
Greetings, Rogier


Hey Siggy. NIce to meet you. Places across the pond have a very fairytale kind of vibe. “Nottinghamshire”. Sounds cool anyway. Compare that to “Ohio” to see what I mean… :neutral_face:

Best of luck!

Welcome to the community. Open mics are an incredible learning experience. I encourage you to find a way to get up and perform. Your anxiety is certainly understandable. If you have multiple choices as to which venue to perform at, go to several just to listen and see which ones are friendliest for beginners. Pubs and drunks can be a challenge, cafes and folk or country music or similar can be more encouraging.

I’ve had great experiences at open mics and also some quite challenging ones and now do them every chance I can.

If you can practice at home with amp and mic for vocals that helps a lot. Good luck!

Siggy, just go. Start with you favorite. Use your “off cam” notes for inbetween songs. Finish with with your second best, because your still building it and it will come off fresh !!!

2 + a couple in between. For first gig, keep it short sweet.

You have this. …send me the video… Please! _R

:wave: Welcome to the group Siggy.


Hi Siggy, welcome to the community forum. I agree with Rogier (@roger_holland ) If you don’t feel ready for an Open Mic, then start with a video of you playing a song in the AVOYP section of the community. Have fun.