Hello from the UK

Hi all - I thought it’s about time I introduced myself as I’ve been using JG for about 20 years now … I’ve got a collection of some of the original DVDs collecting dust as I no longer have a DVD player.
I’m 54 and I’ve been playing guitar on and off since I was about 12. I’ve gone through the usual ups and downs over the years including a period of about 10 years when I didn’t touch a guitar at all. Recently I’ve been getting back into daily playing of both acoustic and electric and also trying to build some solid foundations with the PMT course (which is excellent BTW) and working through Justin’s Rhythm Reading book (which was going great until I hit sixteenth notes with rests - that’s slowed me up a bit!!).
I’ve seen a lot change over the past 20 years, including having a daughter, watch her grow up and then start using JG herself, so I have a jam buddy now too!
Anyhow - hoping to be more active around here, so looking forward to spending more time with you all.


Hi Paul, Welcome to the community although you been here in spirit for years :+1:
Nice to have a jam buddy on hand for practise and bounce ideas off.

Hi Paul,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Hello Paul, nice to meet you. I’m yet an other 50+ member, but have more or less just started playing guitar. You have an impressive history with the guitar and Justin’s courses. Great choice to join this community. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Greetings from Nuremberg! :wave: :slightly_smiling_face:

Another silent reader stepping into the light…welcome Paul! You’ve spent a lot of time with Justin, great story. Very happy for you to have a jam buddy in your family. Have lots of fun together!

Thanks Roger - looking forward to becoming mich more involved with the community!

Thanks Amanda - Yes, a long time lurker! It certainly is lovely to be able to play guitar with my daughter … we’re starting to talk about doing an open ic together, which is very scary, but she can sing which helps!


Hey Franz - good to meet you too. Don’t confuse playing a long time with playing well! I just enjoy it :slight_smile:

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Hi Helen - looking forward to being in the light! This seems like a lovely place to be.

Good to meet you Paul, terrific background you’ve got and lovely to have you in the Community!
Wishing you lots of fun and looking forward to hearing more from you.

Thanks Notter - Looking forward to getting involved!

Welcome to the forum Paul

Welcome aboard, Paul! :smiley:

Glad you finally introduced yourself after such a long history with JG. :wink: Even better you passed the guitar spirits on to your daughter. Must be great the two of you can jam together. :smiley:

Loads of fun on the journey!

Cheers - Lisa

Thanks Lisa - Yep, when she asked me to teach her I was really pleased, but had to point her to JG, he is such a good teacher!

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Hello Paul & welcome from New Mexico, USA!!!
How cool to have your daughter learning alongside you!!!

Boy does this ring a bell!!! Justin’s lessons & song app + this community has me learning and advancing like never before in my guitar journey!!!

Good luck to you with becoming the musician you want to be!!!


Welcome Paul, so nice to have you here :hugs:.
What a gift to have a Jam buddy within the family. My kids don’t show interest in any instrument :smirk:.

I wish you lots of fun along your guitar journey :guitar::smiley:.

Thanks Nicole - yes, it’s wonderful to have company on this journey. She can sing too, although I’ve not no idea where she got that from … wasn’t me!

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Welcome, Paul. Glad you unlurked, I only started this year, it’s a great course, wish I’d known about it 20 years ago! Have fun jamming with your daughter!

Thanks Luna - I wish I’d stuck at it for the past 20 years!

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Oh wow, I think that’s the jackpot :smiley:!