Hello from Tod - Catman - in New Mexico USA

My coworker Paul was there about the same time & was just now telling me about you “Crazy Fire Guys”! Funny if it turns out that you knew each other!


This feels so familiar :slightly_smiling_face: My husband is usually in the other room with headphones on. When I ask him to comment on my playing, he usually only says : " No it’s not bad. It does not bother me." I wonder should I take that as encouragement or not :smiley:


Thanks for this. I agree completely.

Great to read your story :slightly_smiling_face: Welcome to the forum, btw. And yes, I do love @roger_holland 's idea of sending you a cat picture. I don’t own a cat myself, but please meet Telle (she belongs to my parents in law). Telle promises that both she and her pet rat will stay in Finland and that they don’t have any inclination of travellin to New Mexico.


Welcome Tod!!

You have come to the right place :grin:
Lots of helpful and warm people that can help you out if needed.

Wish you all the best on youre guitar journey.

(You are almost obliged to make an avoyp playing Pink Floyds Learning to fly :rofl::rofl::rofl: )

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Hello catman my family all live in Rio Rancho New Mexico such a nice place.well any way good luck with your guitar journey.

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Hi Tod, Welcome to the community. I’ve been learning to play guitar with JG for about 3 years. He’s an excellent teacher and provides a wide variety of material to aid in the journey.
I learned that I was a crazy cat guy 14 years ago. Here’s 1 of our 3 cats :

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Hi Tod, welcome to the community.

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I feel a big sneeze coming on & breaking out in hives :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:… thank you all for the cute kitties! I do think cats are so cute,just don’t bring ,em my way!!!


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Thank you Nicole, Trond, Jeff, David & Steve!
This is a fun place to learn about how others approach learning & generally to read how so many have & are overcoming obstacles to become guitar players! So excited that we’re all in this together!


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Welcome to the Community Tod.

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Thanks Toby… I’m struggling with Grade 2 consolidation right now… I was so eager :racing_car: to get to power :zap: chords :metal:t2:… I think I’m going to start Grade 2 again… lesson learned! Slow :turtle: and steady wins the race!!!



Hi Tod, welcome. Good you have now some time available to improve your guitar skills. It is also good that you are following Justin Guitar lessons to make that time more productive. Although is very good to have short and long term goals the daily task is being a better guitarist today than yesterday. Don’t get discouraged if some days progress get disguised as a bad practice day, a day that nothing flows, that is usually the preamble of a breakthrough.

The father of a neighbour and the father of a classmate were air controllers in my hometown in Colombia. The airport is not very large and has only one runway. I was at their workplace once and It was very interesting.

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Thank you Andrés! I’m definitely no stranger to good & bad practice days! Sometimes it’s just better to set the guitar down for the day & go for it again tomorrow…




Came up to Northern Colorado yesterday & my 13 year old grandson wanted to learn how to play guitar with me… I got him sorted out with basic beginner gear, new strings on the guitar he’s going to get started with & got him started with Justin… 14 hours later, his fingers are beyond sore but he’s really got “A” & “D” down with around 20 changes per minute.

Really? 14 hours?

When I jokingly asked him if he stayed up all night his response was that he woke up at 4:00 am to start practicing! He’s using his older brother’s starter Fender acoustic & has already started asking what would be a good “better” guitar for him to save up for - so I guess GAS can start as early as Day 2 into the journey!!!

Actually though, this is a really cool thing for his Grandpa to be doing with him!!!

See you all soon!



A belated welcome, Tod :smiley:
I’ve seen a number of your posts recently but missed your intro post.
Congrats on getting your grandson hooked (I think :laughing:)

Reminds me of one of my favourite bands named after the town Calexico, California + Mexico (with Mexicali just across the border :laughing:)


Greetings Catman, I wish you all the best!

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Hello Tod. I’m rather late to the party but here’s my official welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community.
Many folk have been through your scenario - endless beginner strumming away a little for their own pleasure, stopping, restarting some years later etc.
I spent a little time visiting New Mexico on a solo road trip some years ago, loved it.
As you already know now, there are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

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