Hello from Tod - Catman - in New Mexico USA

Hi Everyone, I’m a 60 year old aspiring guitarist, still working but trying to squeeze in some guitar time when able.

I got my first guitar about 35 years ago (still have it!) & learned about 6 chords. I’m an Air Traffic Controller, kept the guitar in my locker at work & used to strum those open chords when I’d get a break - but in a 30 minute break only about 10-15 minutes of play time & it was to de-stress, not to add stress by trying to learn new stuff… sometimes I’d go 6 months to almost a year without playing at all & ALWAYS frustrated that I couldn’t seem to consolidate what I knew or even play ONE SONG from beginning to end.

So fast forward to now, 4.5 years ago (at 56 they make you retire from controlling aircraft) I was able to score a desk job instead of being forced to retire, so although still working, juggling “life” & other interests , hobbies etc. & have a bit more time since all the kids have moved out & started their lives.
Found Justin online just about a year ago, I’m finally starting to think that this journey is going somewhere - the “Endless Beginner Syndrome” cycle has been broken…

Serious victim of GAS (why oh why do guitars have to be SO BEAUTIFUL?)… I keep thinking that just One More will make me better (NOT!) but they do inspire one to keep playing when you’ve hit another plateau!

I have a beautiful wife who claims that she enjoys my playing (she doesn’t really comment on my singing though), 3 adult children & 7 grandkids who I really want to be able to entertain with my guitar… that’s my main goal actually!

I have really, really, really (Oops, I think I just quoted Justin!!!) enjoyed reading other’s introductions! So many interesting stories here…

I’ll finish by saying - Just keep plugging away friends! Enjoy your road trip to new & exciting places with your guitars!

Tod Calico
P.S. Calico=cat=CATMAN although I’m really, really allergic to cats of any stripe, even the lions at our zoo!


Lucky you. My wife closes the door when I play (not because of volume. I only play the electric through headphones. She closes it when I play acoustic) and has NEVER commented on my playing. I think she’s operating on the “if you can’t say anything nice . . .” principle.


HaHa… my wife can’t close the door - the room I practice in doesn’t HAVE ANY DOORS!!! She just goes outside with the dogs… “I’ll just take them out in case they have to GO”… & I’m like “But you just took them 15 minutes ago”!!! I get “the Look” & off they got together! But if I tell her I have a new song, she’ll stick it out for a few bars at least…



Welcome to the forum Tod.


Hey Tod, welcome to the community. I started playing when I was 53 and now that I’m 65 it’s been one of the really good decisions in my life. My wife has said many times how happy she is that I decided to get serious about playing guitar. it’s so rewarding.


Welcome! Lovely state, New Mexico, always liked visiting.

I agree, but so far I’ve been able to avoid buying more than the one I own mainly because I want to know how to actually play a song fairly well so I can try various guitars without feeling and sounding like an idiot. I have to have some standards, after all. :grin:


Here’s a secret…
Buy Online!!!
Nobody hears you that way!!! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Welcome Tod! Although, I believe I’ve seen you about the forum for a while so I guess it is a very belated welcome! :wave: :joy:

Enjoyed your story and must say I can’t imagine how stressful being an Air Traffic Controller must have been, so having the guitar in the locker to pull out and de-stress must’ve been very helpful over the years.

I wholeheartedly agree, being that perpetual beginner does grow quite tiresome and finally making substantive progress is a real motivator (thanks Justin! :smiley:). So glad to hear that this has become a reality for you too and the journey is moving forward towards that goal of entertaining the GKs :wink: :+1:

Oh yes, this is a concerning infliction that appears to be running rife around this forum. I also have succumbed and am now suffering a severe case of “drained bank account” syndrome :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Welcome Tod! Cool introduction of yourself, I enjoyed reading! Jour grandkids will love to sing and maybe play together with you! You will cure the Endless Beginner Syndrome for sure!
Concerning the GAS attacks: Currently I have a really serious one! I think, I cought that virus here in the community. Thanks god, there is only a small store in my town with limited offers…the little devil inside whispers: DO IT! Don’t wait! But I try to resist for the moment…
Have a lot of fun!


Hello and welcome aboard Tod. :slight_smile:

Nice read. It is annoying when life gets in the way of playing your guitar isn’t it?


Hi Tod,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of (more) fun :sunglasses:

And…Aaa, then you have to miss this, just step away from her screen before you get a violent reaction…view from a distance…

Greetings ,Rogier and poes (that means cat :smile:)


Welcome to the community Tod!

Glad you found your way here and wish you lots of fun learning the guitar and later on, entertaining you grandkids. :smiley:

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Welcome Tod. Plenty of late starters here, hope you manage to find more time to make some good progress.

I did buy my first and only one online as there aren’t a lot of places to go out here in the boonies. One tiny little store with not a lot of options, but every so often I go in and see what they have. Doesn’t change much month to month though.

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THANK YOU ALL so, so much for the warm replies to my intro…
I’ve been wandering about here in the Community & reading quite a bit with the occasional comment for a few months now.
So many interesting opinions, stories & differing viewpoints from so many different “Walks of Life” (THERE’s a good song title… wait… oh… never mind!!!) :rofl:
It reminds me of the International Balloon Fiesta which Albuquerque has hosted annually with hundreds of hot air balloons from all over the globe. My wife & I always meet people from other countries with ballooning stories which are fun to hear - but the underlying message to us is always that no matter where people are from, what country, what religion, what ethnic background - they’re all just people. We’re all human & trying to figure out what to do next to make our way through this complex thing called “Life”…
Sorry, getting a bit philosophical on you guys…

Thank you again!



Hi there and welcome to the forum Catman. I was in the Air Force years ago so really respect what you do. I finally uploaded my learning log here after a few years being here. Let me start off by saying you’ve made an excellent choice with Justin guitar. A lot of us were stuck in a never ending cycle of zero progress, myself included, which is quite common here. The good news is that can end with some effort and practice using this course. My wife looks forward to hearing me play nowadays, but there was a time when no one did. You will get there too. I had zero rhythm, zero timing, and zero progress. Now I play in front of people all the time. I just posted one here last Saturday of a song I did at a park here in San Diego. I recommend to record yourself as you progress even if only you watch the videos It’s really valuable for self-progress evaluations. Best of luck and we’re all rooting for you.



Thank you for the support Jeff! I think I’ve seen a couple of your avoyp posts & look forward to the day that I’m comfortable enough to play in front of strangers!

What did you do in the Air Force?


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I was stationed in Germany and originally was one of those guys who wore the fireman suit and made emergency rescues of F-16 pilots. Those planes moved to Italy so we obtained c-130 Hercules and other heavy jets. I did fuel system maintenance back then. Nowadays I manage patient assistance for expensive medications for seniors and indigent patients who have rare diseases or expensive medications. Not quite old enough to retire to guitar playing free time, but that’s the plan . Play local shows at restaurants and such.

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That’s cool… I know you guys were on the job in case of war with the Soviet Bloc nations… I have a coworker who was at Ramstein in the mid to late 90s, he was a crew chief for F-16s, making sure they were ready to go at a moment’s notice. So I’ve heard some really neat stories about Germany in general & Air Force life in Germany in particular.

One of the things that made me want to play guitar in the first place was taking my oldest daughter to kindergarten one day & they had an old cowboy playing in the library (cowboy chords I presume :crazy_face:) entertaining the kids. He was playing songs like Home on the Range, Git along little Dogies etc. & after he finished his set, we talked for a bit. Turns out that he was an actual cowboy who had retired at the ripe old age of 72 & playing guitar & singing for kids was what he did to pass time in his old age. He had these gnarled fingers that were so twisted that I have no idea how he managed to play anything… but he was really, really good! I thought then, someday I can play guitar for my kids & grandkids! Been a long term goal ever since!



That’s an awesome idea playing cowboy songs. I’ve posted a few country songs here. I go to local restaurants out here and pick the brains of the local guitarists for ideas- that annoying fan, but most are friendly.

I was stationed at Ramstein in the late 90s ( 94-96 I think) and I worked with crew chiefs. Small world indeed.

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