Hello from Tom - an aged beginner in Scotland

Thanks all for the warm welcome…Looking forward to starting the lessons soon.


Hello Tom, this is good to hear, I was nervous starting at 50, thinking I was too old, so hats off to you :clap:

It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever tackled but I’m making progress. Started in-person lessons, but they lacked structure; then developed a chronic skin condition rendering hands unusable for 2 years, coinciding with the pandemic. Signed up with Justin’s lessons and theory, downloaded apps and now thoroughly enjoy learning on a step-by-step basis. Plenty of frustration, load of ribbing from my family (all in good jest), but loving every bit. The theory is fascinating and my dodgy playing is rewarding.

This is my first post to this community too. I’m so glad to have found Justin’s lessons - hope you find them as helpful and easy to follow too. :grinning:


Sarah @MotherBearr
Welcome to the community and I am pleased you are now making progress.
Michael :grinning::+1:


Thank you, Michael.


Hi Tom, I am Eric also from Scotland, i started guitar in my late teens and stopped very soon after, then about 35 year later started with more of a purpose after finding Justin guitar when I retired at 55. So for the last 7 years I finally made progress in my playing. You are in the right place to learn with an excellent teacher. If you follow Justins method you will make steady progress with good technique. btw, my son is left handed and plays guitar right handed, he does not play much but is pretty good, he says trying to play left handed feels awkward. Strange how our brains work.


Welcome Tommion. I have been playing off & on (mostly off) for 50 odd yrs.

I also am a lefty, but I learned to play right handed, so, if I can learn so can you.

Be safe


Can`t believe how many senior beginners there are. I meant to add that the other reason for buying RH was access to beginners online courses. Seems like quite a few for RH but not much for LH -paid or otherwise.


Hi Tom, I’m Nancy and also from Scotland. I too am a late beginner and enjoying every minute of it. That’s quite a challenge you’ve given yourself learning right handed as a natural lefty my nephew is left handed and plays right handed so not an impossible task :grin:. I wish you many happy hours learning this wonderful instrument and welcome to the community :grinning:


Hi, Tom. Would love to hear how you progress with your righty guitar! It sounds like it’s very common, but each person of course is different in how natural it feels for them. Welcome!

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And welcome to you as well, Sarah! Glad to hear that you found Justin and the community here. :smiley: I completely agree with you about his step-by-step approach!


Well, that didnt go well at all. (re OP). 5 days in and i can tell its not working .Nice idea but just no! I even instinctively put it on my knee the wrong way round a few times (60 years of air guitar :rofl:.) The shop was great and have agreed to swap it over for me. So I have bought a left hand LP Cherry Sunburst (style) I really hope i can continue with Justins lesson course ok as a lefty as he seems like a great teacher There doesn`t seem to be a decent alternative that i can find at the moment.


Well, that’s great you figured it out now! And I’m pretty sure there are plenty of lefty-playing community members here that you can get help from :grin:

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Thanks , yes i feel a bit silly but hey ho.


Tom, welcome to the community. If you are going to use the left hand guitar, look at Justin’s left handed Nitsuj lessons at the bottom of Grade 1 and 2. It might help to see in the right orientation.


@SteveL_G99 Hi yes I will thanks–lefty arrived this afternoon :grinning: :grinning:


Tom, That is great. There are some great left-handed guitarists such as Jimi Hendrix, so that shouldn’t slow you down.

I meant to say that the Nitsuj videos are practice sessions for all the Grade 1 and 2 modules. You should also watch the lesson videos with Justin playing right-handed. I watched most of the Nitsuj practice videos, since it was helpful to see how to do a practice session.


I intend to work my way through them both -hopefully. Just been practising/learning A and D chords. 20 mins is enough for my fingers just now.


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello Tom - starting in the mature years is no small thing - kudos and good vibes to you. Be assured, you are not alone in that … Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Any questions just ask and someone will be along to help.
Richard :slight_smile:


Well Tom,

good luck and really good you found out. We learn studying medicin that being a “lefty” is not one simple thing. My smallest granson is a lefty but he is ambidexter to a large degree, i.e. can for som things use either hand. He does some things as a lefty but other as a a “righty” thus you have to try what feel best for you. The majorities of “leftys” are really "leftys " but some are ambidexter to a variable degree.
Have an amusing journey with your guitar!

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