Hello from Toronto!

Hi everyone, greetings from c-c-c-c-cold Canada!

I started playing the guitar quite a long time ago, I took some lessons when I was around 13. But I soon ditched the lessons and I’ve been playing on my own ever since. I was blessed/cursed with a musical ear, so I would figure things out for myself for the most part. The downside of that, is that I never learned theory or engaged in any real structured learning.

So here I am at 42 years old, I got sober a few years ago and I’ve been sorting out who I really am and what I love. Turns out, I still love the guitar and want properly learn it and one day JAM with others, perform for others, join a band…maybe? Are there bands out there for middle-aged moms? Haha

I’ve always enjoyed Justin’s videos on Youtube, but I’ve just started the actual course. I’m literally starting from the beginning so I can get the basics and hopefully unlearn some bad habits I’ve developed over the years.

I’m super stoked that there is a huge community here, with lots of opportunities to engage with others!

Anyway, looking forward to exploring everything here…

  • Linda

welcome :slight_smile:
I’m always glad to see other women playing guitar ^^

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Welcome to the forum Linda

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Hi Linda,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: and here for you :fire: :fire: :fire:

How long are you willing to travel ?..I’m still looking for a player :roll_eyes:


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Great stuff Linda, look forward to hearing more from you!

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Hi Linda, welcome to the community forum. That’s a great idea to start back at the beginning and review all the beginning lessons. Have fun on your third and best guitar journey.

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Hi Linda good to meet. A wise move to start from scratch. It will flush out any bad habits or weaknesses and shouldn’t take long to find a level the fits where you are at right now. And you can then build on that going forward. Welcome onboard.

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Nice story Linda very inspiring, thanks for sharing!
Welcome to the community!

My first and only experience (so far) of Canada was in Ottawa, in February 2016 if memory serves and it was -26C.
That beat my previous experience of living in cold conditions by 8 degrees!
Brutal but nice experience!

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Welcome, Linda, from pretty much just as cold Michigan. You’ll learn a lot from Justin, probably be joining a band any time now. :blush:

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Hi Linda,

Welcome to the community and congratulations on your sobriety.

As it happens, check out Community member @Jenndye429 Jen and her family band playing a recent Open Mic

Very wise, you’ll scoot through some bits that you know, until you hit something new to learn. several of us have taken this approach after doing the original Beginner Course, then coming back after a time not playing guitar, and have found new learning in the revamped & improved course that’s currently on the site.

Have fun!


Hi Linda,

Welcome and congratulations on your sobriety. We are glad to have you here!

As @theoldman66 mentioned, there are definitely other middle aged moms around here :wink: I’m also 42 (first started playing at 39) and I have a teenage daughter. We now have formed a band with my husband, my daughter, a friend of my daughter and her friend’s dad and we are having a ton of fun. The girls are getting a good rock music education :grinning:

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or need help with anything!


Welcome to the community, Linda :slightly_smiling_face: Glad to have you here.

Hmm… If you don’t want to travel to the Netherlands to play with @roger_holland (who apparently has an alter ego as middle-aged mom :smiley:) , you can always consider starting such band yourself. This sounds so well targeted that I think you could actually find band members quite easily :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome Linda. You did the right thing starting from the beginning.

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Welcome aboard, Linda! :smiley:

Glad you joined and got back at guitar. There’s a place for everyone who wants to play, I guess. :slight_smile:

Wish you all the best and loads of fun on your guitar journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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Hi Lisa, welcome. Good you are starting from the beginning with the lessons, so you are strengthening your foundations to later further develop your guitar skills. I am not blessed with a musical ear so for me takes a lot of effort to figure things out, but that can work on my advantage sometimes. Good also you got sober in whichever sense it may have been. Have fun.