Hello from Vader in Nashville TN! - Exactly what I've been looking for

Hello Everyone!

I’m a 33 Year old who’s been playing guitar since I was 15. I’ve been an ear player and guitar has been a very important part of my life. I could never really “break through” to the next level, but 2 weeks into these courses some things are starting to change.

I started at Grade 4 (a bit into Grade 5 now) and its helped me reintroduce some concepts I needed and now i actually feel like I’m improving again. I even went to an open jam and was able to recall some blues licks I learned from the course, with great success! (Although I’ve got a LONG way to go)

I’m very happy I found this course by Justin and I’m hoping to be apart of a community of guitarist that can help grow and foster what it means to be a true 6 stringer. I can tell its pretty awesome based off the posts I’ve already stumbled upon.

Thanks in advance!



Welcome to the forum Jessey

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Welcome to the community Jessey. Hmm… It must be easy to find open jams in Nashville… Isn’t that city one of the meccas for guitarists? Not only for country musicians I mean? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Jessey,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
Greetings ,Rogier

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Hey Jessey, welcome to the community, have lots of fun!


HI Vader
welcome to the community :smiling_face:
It is pretty awesome :smiley: :sunflower:


welcome :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Yeah believe it or not Its kinda a weird thing down here. The metropolitan area is bustling with live music/karaoke but surrounding areas, at least for me, is hard to find. I wish the open jam concept was more popular. Its more about who you know if you wanna play, which is frustrating.

Maybe I’m not looking in the right places! :rofl:

Hey Jesse, from Nashville? Do you know of one of my favourite unsigned bands called IMY2? They are also from Nashville, they’re pretty good if you’ve not seen them they’re worth checking out if you spot a gig they’re in!
Oh and have fun, that’s what it’s all about here!

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Welcome Jessey, it’s lovely to read your backstory and the break through.
It’s a great community and glad you’re now a part of it. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Keep on having fun!! :guitar::guitar::heart::heart:

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Welcome Vader. Great that you are making progress again.

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Welcome aboard, Jessey! :smiley:

Sounds like you already have a very solid foundation to build on. Even better you already feel like progressing again. :+1:
I wish you continuous fun on your way and looking forwar to hearing more from you.

Cheers - Lisa


Welcome aboard! My journey is similar to yours. I came back very quickly with Justin’s courseware after a 15-20 year pause, and then zoomed ahead from where I was rather quickly. Stay the course!

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I have not actually. I will definitely look them up and give them a listen! Having a great time so far!

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Hey Vader, welcome to the forum, glad you are making progress!

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Hi Jessey, welcome to the community forum. Glad that you found a place to help you reach the next level in your guitar journey.

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I’ve never addressed someone called “Vader” before. I’m a bit nervous. :wink:

Welcome! I wish you the best in your guitar journey!


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HA! Not to worry! I doubt you’ll dissapoint me :rofl: And thank you! I’m excited to be here!

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Hi Jessey, welcome. Good you found what you needed to up your playing. Have fun.

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Hello Jessey :slightly_smiling_face:

A warm welcome to the forum.
WOW, you’re very advanced already, and you’ve found the perfect place to continue your musical journey :guitar:

Have lots of fun and success - And may the chords be with you :wink:

Cheers from Germany

Gunhild :lady_beetle: