Hello from Viv in London

Hi all
Finally got my act together and finished Grade 1. I love this so much - looking forward to get involved in the community and get to know people - will hopefully build up the courage to post myself playing guitar!! :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum Viv

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Welcome aboard, Viv :sunglasses:

Broke one of the three cardinal rules in your introductory thread (no swearing :open_mouth:) -
You’re gonna fit in just fine here! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Looking forward to you sharing your music :metal: :imp: :metal:

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Hello Viv & Welcome!!!

What’s your musical background… are you a newbie to playing an instrument or do you have a musical backstory?
I’m also curious about your guitar goals… what type of music do you love & want to be able to play? Are you an acoustic or electric gal? Or both… how did you come to find Justin? Enquiring minds want to know!!!
BTW, pics of gear are always welcome here too!!! :smiley:
Anyway, I hope you have a lot of fun exploring the world of guitar… don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help along the way!

Tod from New Mexico USA

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I started learning guitar a few years ago - my cousin, a professional musician, put me onto Justin as I’ve struggled along with in-person teachers for a while and never quite found someone I gel with 100%…so decided to give this a real chance and it’s pretty incredible, the guy is obviously a born teacher… also following a clear graded system really helps move me forward - it all gets a bit overwhelming otherwise.
Anyway, I’ve been writing a bit, I’ve done a few open mic nights with varying degrees of success, I’ve written a few songs now - I’d love to sound like Kim Deal and be all post-punk and achingly cool - sadly I sound like a folk singer (you know, beginners play slow, so I’ve been doing the sad songs - hopefully that’s out of my system now haha) - I really don’t want to be a singer-songwriter (nothing wrong with that AT ALL - not dissing it in the slightest) I just don’t fancy it. I want to get a band together and start gigging. I practice a lot - like everyday, seriously - even if it’s just 5 mins - and as we all know, if you practice, you get better, amazing isn’t it haha.
Recently bought a Gretsch - which is currently in the shop for a set up and to put 11s on - it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen - such warm tones - so gorgeous.


Oooops - sorry!! I’ll watch my foul mouth in future :slight_smile: teehee

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thanks man

welcome :slight_smile:

gretsch ? you have good taste !

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Welcome to the forum Viv

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Welcome to the community Viv!

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Welcome Viv. :slight_smile:

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Sounds like you’re well on your way Viv! Congratulations on your Open Mics… I don’t know if I will ever work up the nerve for one!!!
Gretsch… you’re in good company with a Gretsch!!! Have a blast!!!


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Nice the money you save from spending it on live teachers you can spend on actual guitars and equipment.

Welcome aboard.

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Hi Viv,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
Looking foreward for AVOYP in the section AVOYP or a LL if you are will post a progress (day 1 to end) piece of music … or wherever … follow the lessons and we will automatically see something appear somewhere :smiley: :sunglasses:


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This sounds like a great base Viv good on you for writing a bit as well, sounds like you’re going ok. Look forward to seeing some AVOYP :ok_hand:

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Hi and welcome to the Community!

I can assure you that this is a warm and safe environment to share your progress, whether it is in the form of video, audio, questions, ponderings or venting of frustrations :wink:

Always great to read people label playing guitar as FUN because that’s how it should feel (most of the time) :smiley:

See you around!

Hi Viv and welcome cheers Hec

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That’s kinda Greek to me at the moment Roger…I’ll go look up what AVOYP and LL is - and I’m guessing start posting progress …eeek - will have a look at what other braver souls are doing first haha - thanks

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Thanks Lieven - that’s really good to know. Guitarists are lovely people anyway haha. This seems doubly so.

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Ooo Viv …because you started posting about your guitar playing, I assumed (completely wrongly :blush:) that you had already looked in those sections …
I normally never use abbreviations with new people… but luckly these are very easy to look up :smile:

Oke one : LL =Learning Log …

and be careful which ones you click on because some are a bunch of incoherent posts that, if you’re a bit weird, you could easily waste hours of guitar playing time on :grimacing:… I won’t mention any names :sunglasses:

Greetings :guitar:

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