Hello I’m Rob an old bloke from Sussex England

Not sure this is in the right place so please move it. If it isn’t. I purchased my first guitar just before Covid struck. I plinked with it and found it very difficult. I put it away. 3 weeks ago I watched someone playing guitar and it was all simple chords yet sounded and looked easy. So I got it back out and looked around me found Justin Guitar. Got the App. Wow. What a difference. I’ve committed to spending at least an hour a day and I can now play chords quite accurately and switch between them. I’m only on module 2 and am taking my time. Last night I began strumming and switching chords. What progress. Can’t thank Justin and the team that supports him enough. And I now understand fullly that line by Bryan Adams, ‘got my old 6 string, played it till my fingers bled’


Hi robert ,
This is the right place :smiley:…Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Hello Rob & welcome! It’s always good to hear that someone has picked up their guitar again, dusted it off & started to give it another go! Keep on keepin’ on & have lots of fun! The sore finger zone doesn’t last too long - it just seems like it will!!

Good luck!



:wave: Allo old bloke :blush: Welcoem to the group.

May you get lots of enjoyment from the Guitar.



Hello Robert and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Justin’s course is a great one to follow. You’ll be playing songs before you know it. Enjoy.


Welcome to the forum Rob

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Welcome, Rob. It is amazing what you can learn in a short time here. I was playing simple songs within 4 months. I’m 6 months in and having a blast. I am sure you will, too.


Hi Robert, another warm welcome, I got started during covid and if it hadn’t been for using Justin’s course I doubt I’d still be playing, learning and above all enjoying it as much as I am!

Wishing you a lot of fun and don’t hesitate to ask people here whenever you need a little help, support or just some fun!!


Hey Rob, welcome to the community. Keep at it, it just keeps getting better.

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Hi Robert, always glad to welcome another old geezer to the family :grinning:

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Welcome aboard, Rob! :slight_smile:

Seeing people do something we also want to be able to can be the best motivation, right? :smiley: Wishing you lots of fun on your re-entered guitar learning journey!

Cheers - Lisa


Welcome aboard Rob!

I think you’re on the right ship now, sailing directly to “I can play songs now” town!

I met so many people who started with traditional teachers that let them do scales and techniques for months before playing any songs who gave up. The approach in this course motivates and lets you progress musically. Maybe the technique needs refining and some music theory gaps have to be filled in with time, but it gets you playing early and progressing with fun.

Wish you steady winds for your journey!


Rob, welcome to the community. You are doing well taking it slow and steady. Don’t take Bryan Adams to literally. In a few weeks you should be able to play an hour without bleeding. Have fun learn to play songs.

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Hello old bloke Rob! :slight_smile:
Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. Now that you’re now a few more weeks further along how are you getting on learning with hose chords and changes and sore fingers? Have you played any songs yet?
Learn songs, learn songs, learn songs!

There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

Hi Robert, welcome. Good you are not rushing with the lessons. A module is done when it is done and not before. That will help you later because your musical and guitar foundations will be stronger.

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