Hello, I'm David from Florida USA!

Hi all,

I’m David and have spent most of my life playing piano. I’ve always wanted to play guitar, but I never thought I would get started with a new musical endeavor. However, I recently picked up a Martin GPC16E on consignment. After a few repairs and a brand new set up of strings, I’ve stumbled across the fretboard, trying to learn notes and play some diatonic scales and open chords. Thankfully, the music theory stays the same, but I feel like a brand new beginner again since the movements and coordination aren’t exactly like piano.

I hope to learn a lot about technique and build good habits along this new musical journey.

Cheers everyone.



Welcome, David. I hope you’ll have a long and fulfilling experience with the guitar. You’ll find this to be a very supportive community.

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Welcome justinguitar is great. Have fun.

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Welcome to the forum David

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Welcome to the community, David! Your previous experiences with piano will serve you well! Have lots of fun!

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Hi David ,
welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Welcome David :wave:

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welcome :slight_smile:

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Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I hope to develop a strong foundation in rhythm and apply the universal skills I’ve learned from Piano so I can improve my composition writing.

Welcome, David. I think you’ve come to the right place, enjoy the journey!

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Hey David, welcome to the community. I’ve got a couple of brothers who live in Florida. Guitar playing is so very rewarding, like being able to carry a juke box with you wherever you go.

Look forward to hearing more from you


Welcome David, your piano background will absolutely serve you well! Hope you have a lot of fun discovering the 6 string world :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum!

The place of fun guitar journeys. :sunglasses::v:

Rock on!

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It sure is a lot easier than trying to lug around a Keyboard or a piano. It’s been lots of fun so far. Still struggling with barre chords and the overall touch needed for guitar.

Yeah, I feel your pain, I did struggle with barre chords, that dreaded F took me months before it sounded clean. Hang in t here, the reward is so very worth it.

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Hi David, welcome to the community forum.

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Hi David, welcome to the community! Very informative, great people. I;m from Indiana myself, if it helps, I started with 2 chords and no strumming, going back and forth until I had it then added a 3rd and so on. You may be farther along but if not hope it helps. This “habit” is the most closest thing to spiritual for me because once you get going all of lifes crap drains away. Been at it for 30 years and wish I would have done it sooner. Good luck!




Thanks for the kind note and advice.This sounds really similar to how I used to practice piano hands separately. I am adding this to my practice routine as I add more chords to my learning.

I’m from Florida too David. I live in north central Florida. What part are you from? How are you liking the lessons here? So far it’s working out great for me. I’m about halfway through grade 2. I hope your having as much fun as I am.

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I’m in Southwest Florida–Naples area. I’ve been trekking along nicely with the early grades. Made my way into some of the tougher spots (barre chords and the appropriately named “F” chord).

And, I’ve learned the right number of guitars to own is always n+1.

