Hello, I'm Firas from from Kuwait

Hi folks! I decided to revisit old passions for my 45th birthday a few weeks ago and bought myself a Squier Affinity Stratocaster electric guitar (beautiful Brown Sunburst finish). I only briefly played a little during my high school years but didn’t really get far with it (just taught myself a few riffs & song intros, I couldn’t keep a rhythm going or learn any chords). To my frustration, the free 3 month Fender Play trial card that came with my guitar starter kit doesn’t work here in Kuwait but the silver lining of that is I went searching for other online learning courses and several sites highly recommended Justin Guitar.

Honestly, I didn’t expect to get very far or make much progress as it was extremely frustrating when I was younger and I thought it would only be that much harder now. To my surprise, the web site course is the most professional and intuitive online learning program I’ve ever come across (love the practice tool and the songbook collection). I could never memorize things easily, but having gone through the first 4 modules in the course, I’ve memorized the 6 chords so far just by following along with the lessons and practicing every day between 1-2 hours. I’m also playing the 3 awesome riffs comfortably, and playing along with 6 songs (4 of them pretty decently). It’s amazing how much practical music skills are introduced in the first few modules in such an easy and digestable way and more importantly I’m playing actual songs!

I thought I’d be embarrassed to show anyone my mediocre guitar skills, but I’m so happy with my progress, I played 2 Bob Marley songs for my teenage daughters! To my surprise, they didn’t run out of the room screaming with their hands over their ears and they started to ask me all about guitar playing.

So all in all, it’s been an unbelievable experience so far, and I hope to keep playing for months and years ahead. I’d love to be able to play some rock and blues and seeing that they’re being introduced in the upcoming modules/grades has me excited to learn them!

Looking forward to continue learning and growing my guitar playing skills alongside you all!


Hi firasR and welcome.

I think you will find the JC lessons and Community will speed your guitar learning and enjoyment tremendously.
The Community is a great place to find help/inspiration.
Good luck with your Journey.


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Hey Firas, welcome to the community, good to hear from you. That’s great progress in a short period of time, you rock!

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Welcome Firas! I’m glad you found us. Maybe your daughters need guitars of their own! :smile:

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Welcome to the forum Firas

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Hi Firas and a warm welcome! Glad you found JustingGuitar and this great community. :slight_smile:

Have loads of fun on your guitar learning journey and never hesitate to reach out in case of any questions. Rock on! :guitar: :smiley:

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One of them’s been hinting at it, so it’s a possibility :smile:

Welcome. Glad you’re having fun and not scaring your children. Teach them, too! Form a family band, have more fun! :laughing:

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Hi Firas and welcome to the forum! :wave::smiley: Enjoyed reading your intro and especially the bit about playing for your daughters, glad they didn’t run away! :joy: Sounds like you’re making excellent progress! Keep having fun! :guitar: :partying_face::metal::sunglasses:

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Welcome to the community, Firas. This is a great place with many kind and knowledgeable people :slightly_smiling_face:

I know exactly what you are talking about - my husband still has not evacuated the flat in spite of my guitar playing :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Firas,
Welcome here and i wish you a long time of fun and playing :sunglasses:

Hello Firas and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

That is true praise indeed. Teens can be so hurtful. :smiley:

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Hi Firas, nice to have you here! Hope you have lots of fulfilling hours with your guitar! A nice bass guitar for one of your daughters, drums for the other, wife adds voice and off you go!


Welcome Firas, so nice to have you here :hugs:.
It seems, that you’re making great progress. Keep at it, and playing rock and blues won’t be a problem :smiley:.

I wish you lots of fun with your six-string-friend :guitar::grinning:.

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Welcome Firas, glad you are now on the way with your guitar journey.

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Hello :wave::wave::wave: welcome Firas…enjoy your journey and…this is the right place to share about it, joys and pains :blush::blush::blush:

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That’s the masterplan :rofl: Let’s see how much of it I can make happen!

That’s great! Welcome. I also like Bob Marley. :slight_smile: I’m glad your kids didn’t run away!

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Hi Firas, welcome to the community.

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Hi Firas, welcome. Good you’re so confident of your guitar skills that you’re showing them to your family. Some skills can take longer to get fluent with them, but with regular practice all of them are within your reach.

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