Hello, I'm Sean from Australia. Introduction and learning a new skill

Hello, Sean from Australia. After a background of playing bagpipes, I have shifted to guitar. As a Veteran, I had a vision of writing a song(s) about experiences, not just about myself but others as well. I have attempted to send these lyrics to various artists with no luck. A few starts, but no finish. So I thought, I would learn guitar, and create my own song. Struggling with the right chords…yes, but learning in any case.


Welcome to the forum Sean

Hello Sean and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Sorry to read you did have much success with your songs but once you have a little guitar skill under your fingers, it would be great to hear what you have written.

Hi Sean and welcome to the forum :wave::smiley:

Hi Sean,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Welcome to the Community Sean.
As others have said build your skills up. Once you have the open chords down, take a look at Justin’s lesson on common chord progressions and see if you find something that the lyrics. And shout out if you need help.


Welcome aboard, Sean!
Have lots of fun learning guitar and writing songs. It’s such a great thing to do, so all the best for you! :smiley:

Hi Sean

Welcome, and good luck and joy on your songwriting journey!

I think learning guitar foundations well to write music is a great approach. I’m also just getting there, but always trying to have fun with the learning process.


Welcome Sean, from a fellow Aussie.

Looking forward to your songs. Sounds like you’ve got a few. Stick close to Justins teaching, and this great community, and you’ll be playin your tunes in no time.
All the best.

Cheers, Shane

Hey Sean, welcome to the community, nice to hear from yet another Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!!!

I’ve been asked by a friend who plays the bagpipes to accompany him on guitar. I’ve just learned Under the milky way and an working on The wellerman song. If you know of any others well suited to a guitar with bagpipe accompaniment let me know. :slight_smile:

Look forward to hearing more from you

Hi Sean, glad to have you here with us aspiring guitarists. Give it a little time, and the inspiration and skills will develop for you. I can’t wait to hear you, have fun here—lots of great people.

Dang, you Aussies are multiplying like rabbits! :rofl: Welcome, Sean. I do believe we all feel playing guitar is great new skill to have. I do love bagpipes though!

Shamus, welcome to the community. Guitar is a good musical instrument for writing songs and Justin provide an instructions for trying to write your own song.

Thanks to all for the hearty welcome! Are there any suggestions by anyone for an appropriate/good program to write and record?

Thanks Toby… Much appreciated. I have most of the open chords down, except for F maj, my corrupt little finger, actually fingers, won’t allow it. I have mainly tried compensating with F maj 7. But still, finding chords to match lyrics…not easy. Will persist however!

Hi Shamus, welcome. You’re developing two abilities at the same time, playing guitar and composing. Both can take some time to develop. For both learning some musical theory and analyzing how some well known songs are structured could be helpful. It may happen that you can come with something very original from the start but mastering some widely used approaches may help at the beginning. Enjoy playing and creating music.

Hello Sean. Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. I’m arriving late to the hello and welcome party. Follow Justin’s courses which are designed to help you become a guitar player / musician as you strive towards becoming a songwriter.
The Community is large, as is the website. If you need any help with a lesson specific question or with any general guitar learning question then do not hesitate to ask. There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.