Hello JG Community! I'm Rob from Norn Iron

Hi All, I’m Rob. Originally from the east midlands in England, currently residing in Ballymena, Northern Ireland thanks to my wife who I met in the magical Kingdom of Saudi Arabia some 24 years ago. I’m soon to celebrate my 58th revoltion around the sun.

My guitar journey started around the age of 14 when my parents (via Santa) bought me an electric guitar and a little practice amp. I learned a few riffs (Smoke on the Water of course), had no idea really. Used it to mime to The Ace of Spades at a school show and then put it away to attract dust and woodworm.

Fast forward 49 years to 2018 and my wife asked me for Xmas gift ideas, well… what else? I fancied learning how to play proper. I like to think I’ve managed to progress to an improving intermediate thanks in part to Justin, private lessons from a local music school and a good family friend who taught me G-Stop (don’t ask!!!). Loving it and very eager to learn more and hopefully start jamming and playing with other like minded souls.


Good to meet you Rob. Sounds like a familiar story but great you got going again. Sounds like you are making good progress. :+1:

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Welcome to the forum Rob

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Hi Rob,

Welcome aboard :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome aboard, Rob :smiley:

on the same ‘electric guitar and little practice amp’ or did Santa go back for new toys? :rofl:
Have fun and keep in touch :smiley:

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Hello Rob & Welcome!

I look forward to seeing you share a video of your playing sometime!

Have fun!!!

Tod from New Mexico USA

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Welcome, Rob to the magical place where people with no guitar knowledge at all can even learn to play! Glad you joined us. :grinning:

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Great to meet you Rob Cheers Hec

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Welcome to the JGC, Rob, plenty to keep you busy learning to play guitar in here.

Keep it fun … :sunglasses:

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Welcome to the community Rob.

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Great stuff. I started at the age of 53 after dreaming about playing guitar for much of my life. Now, 10+ years later, I’m thrilled with what a great reward it provides. Keep at it and enjoy the rewards

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Haha that’s rad, cool story and fantastic wife. The power of music. Are you still going to be playing heavy stuff?:metal:t2:

The Aces of Spades. Lemmy was hard core. I was just in the rabbit hole with him about a week ago. His ties to all sorts of people was amazing. He was a legend.

I liked this video

Ace of Spades Lemmy Slash and Grohl


Edit: that misspelling of his name, I swear my phone did that. Honest :raised_hand:t2:

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Hi Rob, welcome to the community forum.

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Hi Rob,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Lemmy was good wasn’t he.


I had no idea until that deep dive that he and Wendy O Williams were a couple. I was sad after finding out about that. She was such a tragic case at the end of her life. That was all before my time somewhat, but the plasmatics will always be a historic band for punk rockers.

Edit sorry not trying to take over your thread rstacey481

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Of course we were as good as those guys back in the day (in our dreams anyhoo :joy::rofl:)
Thanks for the link

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Thanks all for your nice greetings :heart:

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Welcome Rob to the community,
Glad you came back to it I truly think its in your blood no matter how old or young if the guitar sings to you you want to learn to make it sing.
:partying_face: :+1:


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Welcome Rob.


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