Hello ! Looking for Collaborators

Started playing guitar later in life as a hobby but ended up in several bands while on this journey.
I like most genres of music & I love working with others on music rather than solitary projects.
I play both electric & acoustic. I have several friends on this site & decided to join & hopefully make some more friends!


Hi Allison,
Welcome (again :smile:)
and I wish you a lot of fun here and playing and I think you will found more than one to collab with here :sunglasses:
And who knows, if I ever need tech-record etc support and/or want to work together, we’ll talk to each other about it then :smiley:

Thought I’d pop over here to say hello again. As Roger says you are likely to find some fellow collaborators who are up for a project here abouts, there’s been quite a few over the years !

I would suggest checking this section of the Community out while you find your way around.
Community Recordings

Your intro suggests you have some experience, if you have been playing in bands and feedback is vital to folks learning and sharing their recordings here on the forum. So comments are always welcome, especially when folk arrive from out side the JustinGuitar “bubble” as they sometimes bring a different perspective. So feel free to share your thoughts to those sharing posts in this category.


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Hi Allison, welcome to the community forum. Hope you find the collaboration that you are looking for.

Welcome aboard, Allison! :slight_smile:

It’s always great to have open-minded people around that share their knowledge on stuff and help others grow! :+1:

Looking forward to your contributions and upcoming collabs! :smiley:

Hi Steve!
I am hoping there a lots of folks that like to work on music together!

Want to do a song with me :slight_smile: ?

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Sure, why not? :slight_smile:

Some busy times for me these days, but in a few weeks I’ll have some more room. But be warned: I’m a complete beginner when it comes to home recording and production. :sweat_smile:

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Im pretty good with recording so I can “produce & mix” if that makes you comfortable?
Why dont you pick the song. PM me with ideas or anything else you’d like to discuss about collaborating. Thanks Lisa !

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