Hello, Olá, Bonjour, Hola! :)

I think I am correct to say he lives in Paripueira, which is about 100km from Fortaleza.

Nice to meet you Laryne! I can relate to Justin keeping you sane through covid, for sure, although I began doing Justin’s lessons in May of 2019 (which is when my guitar adventure began) so I was already hooked before the covid lockdown (USA). Justin is the BEST and I recommend him to everyone who asks me who to go to online. And his website just keeps getting better and better. I also love his monthly newsletter emails including what he is currently reading. (I love his taste in books/authors.) I shut down a business last year (during covid) and am currently not working so have much more time on my hands to play which is great. Still trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my time. I play for hours usually everyday but can’t possibly (physically) play 24/7 (I don’t think, lol). Could totally do it mentally, though! Anyway, didn’t mean to get that detailed about me. :slight_smile: I love that you are also somewhat new to guitar! Another relatable connection! :slight_smile: Rock on!