Hello - Richard checking in from Victoria, BC!

Hello Richard … all the gear, no idea :wink:

It seems to me you have been yearning to learn to play and have been skirting around it with the other aspects. Now is the time. No excuses. You have the Justinguitar beginner course and you have this community for back up. It’s all you need.

Welcome to the community and if you need anything just ask.

Welcome to the forum Richard.

I wish I could offer you some advice on your GAS problem but I’ve yet to find a cure. So just enjoy what you have now, oh and what you get in the future ! :rofl:



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Ha! Had to divert the eyes of my guitar when reading your intro in case it got ideas to mount a campaign to have more company to hang out with. Your fleet/herd/gaggle (is there a term?) have probably started to acquire a power in their numbers.

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