Hello there from Bulgaria

Hello to everyone.

My name is Marcos. I am 41 years old and now I am currently living in Bulgaria.
I’ve been postponing my entire adult life to learn guitar, or because of something that appears at that specific moment, or because life just hits you in the face…

I have finally purchased my first electric guitar, a Yamaha Pacifica 311H.

I am here to gain knowledge with all of you, so any assistance is welcome.

I appreciate this wonderful community.


Hi Marcos,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hi Marcos, a warm welcome to the community! Have a lot of fun on your journey!

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Welcome to the forum Marcos

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:wave: Welcome to the group Marcos.


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Hello Marcos :smiley:

A very warm welcome to the forum.
Great that you have started to learn guitar, and you’ve come to the perfect place here. The lessons and song tutorials are great and the community is very kind and helpful.

Have lots of fun and success with your new guitar.
Wishing you the very best for your musical journey :guitar:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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we re the same age and beginning here at almost the same time
I wish you the best on your learning journey

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One more to come on in to the fun joirney of this instrument we call the guitar!! Welcome @markusousa, Marcus! The first steps can seem to be painfully slow. Especially conditioning your fingers to rubbing your soft warm flesh on those cold steel strings!! But don"t fret! Follow Justin"s advice and you will be playing songs before ya know it!!!

Rock on!

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Welcome to the community, Marcos! :smiley:

Wish you loads of fun on the guitar journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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Hi Marcos and welcome! Great to have you here :wave: :smiley:

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Hi Marcos,
Welcome to the forum enjoy your journey and have fun :slight_smile:

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Hello Marcos
a warm welcome to the community :smiling_face: It is wonderful
wishing you loads of fun on your guitar journey :slightly_smiling_face: :sunflower:

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Hi Marcos, welcome to the community forum.

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Welcome, Marcos. Добре дошли!

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Hi Marcos, welcome. Good you started your guitar learning. It may be useful to set some short, medium and longer term goals. They may help you whenever you may have to slow down or pause your learning due to life things and get back in track. Have fun

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Thanks to all your kind words!!!