Hello there from France

Hi Jeff. Welcome. I have enjoyed visiting in your country. From the Pyreness to Vosges to Alsace, I have always enjoyed your country’s hospitality. Merci.

I wish you well as you turn five days of loving guitar into 2 decades of loving guitar!!


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Hi Jeff,

Welcome to the community good luck with your journey :slight_smile:

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Ah oui ca c est vrai … et trop de pubs aussi !
Mais il y a quelques bonnes emissions quand meme sur la station :smiley:
Je ne connais pas de stations de radio neerlandaises par contre :slight_smile:

Hi Jeff, welcome to the community. If you practice twice a day and a little every day you will be sure to keep making progress. Have fun playing songs.

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Thanks a lot everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

i certainly hope i’ll be making progress and be able to calm my eagerness and my brain when it comes to it. Eager for good results and kinda perfectionnist, not a good thing when you have to be patient too haha :sweat_smile:

Hello Jeff :smiley:

A very warm welcome to the forum.
You’ve come to the perfect place here. The lessons and song tutorials are great and the courses are very comprehensive and motivating.

Have lots of fun on your musical journey :musical_note: :guitar:

Greetings from the neighbourhood (Germany)

Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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Hi Jeff, welcome. Good you are decided to learn how to play guitar. Some things you’ll learn easy, others will take more time, but if you follow the lessons and practice regularly you’ll be soon playing at least a basic version of a song. Have fun.

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Thanks yeah, i gotta be patient with myself obviously, which is something to learn too :rofl:

Lately been trying to get to play Dance the Night away along with Justin’s app but kinda struggling a bit with my accuracy on chords at 100bpm. Still practicing anyway :blush:

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Hi Jeff.

Welcome to the community. You have definitely found the right place to learn the guitar but also through the community to get in contact with a lot of very helpful people.


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Hi Jeff and welcome
hope enjoy making music with what you know from the very start.
Good luck! You’ve landed the right place

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