Help The Poor by BB King Lesson

Learn to play Help The Poor by BB King on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Help The Poor by BB King | JustinGuitar

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I know that this one is well above my level but thought I would give it a go as Justin uses barre chords and it all helps! The chords are OK but I can’t figure out the strumming. I’ve looked and listened to the video lots of times now but can’t figure out the strumming, although it ends with a mute at the end. Any help appreciated.

I didn’t watch the whole video, but the strum pattern he plays when he first goes through the chords is something like this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
D   x D     x

where the x’s are muted strums. It’s a bit trickier than Justin makes it look!

Thanks, and agreed!

I just got around to trying this song today. It is really fun to play! I like to play along to YouTube videos, and really got into playing along to the version on the Riding With the King album. Sometimes I varied up the strumming just based on what felt right, and found lots of good sounds in the solos just using boxes 5 and 1 of the Dm pentatonic.

Sometimes I come upon a song that I just start to feel in my whole body when I’m playing it. This is definitely one.